Chapter 13 : O////O

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Random face for a chapter name! Sorry for taking so long with this yaoi chapter. Its because 1) I've never did a male lemon and 2) I've been busy (I know you guys are tired of me telling you I've been busy, but its true). Anyway on with the yaoi!!
/Normal Pov/

Shadow quickly parked the car into his driveway and jumped out of the car. He ran over to Sonic's side and opened the door, basically dragging the blue hedgehog out of the car. Once Shadow unlocked the house door, he pulled Sonic inside and closed the door, pushing Sonic's body against it. Shadow latched his lips onto Sonic's, causing a moan to slip from the younger ones mouth. Shadow moved one of his hands down Sonic's stomach and into his pants. Sonic wrapped his arms around Shadow's neck and moaned loudly as Shadow tugged on Sonic's member. Shadow then attacked Sonic's neck, leaving little love bites as he did so.

"S-Shadow~! Ahh~!" Sonic moaned, his face flushed as he gripped Shadow's quills and tugged on them, causing Shadow to groan. Shadow removed his hand from Sonic's pants, picked him up, and ran upstairs to his room. He closed and locked the door. He walked over to his bed and dropped Sonic onto it. He crawled onto Sonic, straddling him. Shadow grabbed his shirt and pulled it off, along with Sonic's shirt. Shadow went back to attacking Sonic's neck with kissed. Sonic groaned and tugged at Shadow's pants. Shadow smirked

"Eager aren't we?" Sonic whimpered. Shadow stood up and removed his shoes, socks, pants, and boxers. Sonic's eyes widen. He moaned at the sight of Shadow's member. Sonic got up and pushed Shadow onto the bed. He grabbed the older ones member and pumped it a little before placing Shadow's member into his mouth. Shadow moaned at the feeling of Sonic's warm mouth around his member. Shadow placed his hand into Sonic's quills and began thrusting his hips into Sonic's mouth. Sonic moaned and put his hand down into his pants, jerking himself slightly.

"Ahhh~ I'm gonna....!" Shadow moaned as he released his warm seed into Sonic's mouth. Sonic swallowed all of it, licking up any of the remaining substance. He pulled off his shoes, socks, pants, and boxers and straddled Shadow. Shadow lined his member up with Sonic's tail hole

"This is gonna hurt." Shadow said. Sonic gripped onto Shadow's shoulders and nodded. Shadow thrusted up, pushing his member into Sonic's tight hole. Sonic bit Shadow's neck, keeping himself from screaming. Once he got use to the feeling, he began to ride Shadow, bouncing up and down on his lap. Both males moaned loudly. Shadow flipped them over and pinned Sonic's arms down. He then began thrusting hard and fast into Sonic hole

"S-Shadow!" Sonic moaned. Shadow smirked and went faster, hitting Sonic's prostate

"Oh right there!" Shadow pounded into that same spot as Sonic's screams filled the room

"What's my name?" Shadow growled.

"Shadow." Sonic moaned. Shadow went harder, causing Sonic to arch his back

"Say it again."

"Shadow!" Sonic yelled. He felt weird feeling in the pit of his stomach

"I'm gonna-!" Before Sonic could finish his sentence he came onto the bed. Shadow came right after him, since Sonic's walls were to tight for him to handle. They panted hard and got underneath the covers. Sonic put his head on Shadow's chest and Shadow kissed his forehead

"I love you Sonic." Shadow yawned

"I love you too, Shadow." Sonic mumbled. Then to two of them went to sleep....
Ugh! I'm sorry that this lemon between Sonic and Shadow is so shit! *facepalm* Arrggghhh!! *calms down* I guess I'll see you guys next time!

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