Chapter 23: 9 Months Later...

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(Normal Pov) (With Sonic)

"Push!!" The doctor ordered. Sonic pushed and squeezed Knuckles's hand tightly

"Son of a-!!!" Knuckles fell down to his knees as Sonic's grip got tighter. Today was July 4th, also known as Independence Day (Random Date). It's been 9 months since Shadow and Sonic broke up with their girlfriends, its been 9 months since Shadow and Sonic had moved in together in Shadow's house, its been 9 months since Shadow and Sonic started dating and Sonic getting pregnant, its been 9 months since Shadow cheated, it's been 9 months since Tails appeared and got back with Shadow and its been 9 months since Sonic heard or have seen Shadow. Today was the day Sonic was gonna give birth to his baby girl. Knuckles, Rouge, Blaze, Niesha, Brenda, and Abigail were here to be by Sonic's side

"One more push!" The doctor ordered. Sonic screamed and pushed until he heard a small baby cry. The doctor cut the cord and handed the baby to the nurse

"I'll have the nurse clean your baby and we'll bring her right back." The doctor stated. Sonic smiled weakly and weakly nodded

"O-Okay." He replied weakly. He felt so weak. Giving birth damn sure took a lot of your energy. A couple minuted later the doctor and nurse returned and gave Sonic his baby girl. Sonic smiled as tears of joy appeared in his eyes

"H-Hey cutie. I'm gonna name you Maxine." Sonic smiled as his tears fell down his face. He hasn't forgotten the name Niesha told him for his baby girl. The girls crowded around Sonic, awwing at Sonic and Maxine. Maxine yawned and the girls and Sonic aww'ed again

"She's so cute." Rouge stated. Sonic nodded as he sniffed and held Maxine softly in his arms

"She's my little angel." Sonic cooed and nuzzled Maxine. Maxine giggled and the girls cooed again. Brenda wrapped her arms around Niesha's arm and smiled

"Isn't she adorable?" Brenda cooed. Niesha chuckled and kissed Brenda forehead

"Yes she is." Niesha replied.....


Sonic was now living with Niesha and Brenda. The day after Niesha and Brenda basically had sex, Niesha went to Amy and told her that she didn't want to be together anymore. Amy just shrugged it off. Anyway Sonic, Niesha, and Brenda walked into the house. Sonic sat down on the couch and cradled Maxine in his arms. He then frowned. Maxine is a black hedgehog with blue streaks. Her eyes are ruby red with a swirl of emerald green

"She reminds me so much of Shadow." Sonic thought

"You okay blue?" Dark questioned. Sonic took a deep breath. Niesha and Brenda went upstairs

"Can you come out of my head and talk to me please?" Sonic thought. Dark and Exe appeared in front of Sonic and sat down on the couch. Dark and Exe realized they could come out of Sonic's head two months ago. They had thought about being in front of Sonic and they had appeared in front of him

"What's wrong Sonic?" Exe questioned. Sonic felt tears filling his eyes

"Maxine reminds me so much of Shadow and I....I don't know what to do!" Sonic cried. Maxine then began to cry softly in his arms. Niesha came downstairs and looked at Sonic, Exe, and Dark. She walked out to Sonic and took Maxine out of his arms

"I'll put her to bed." Niesha stated. Sonic nodded and sniffed, wiping some of the tears that were falling down his face away. Niesha walked upstairs carrying Maxine to her room. Sonic sighed and looked at Exe and Dark

"What am I gonna do? I miss him like crazy and since he lost his memory, he doesn't even know I was pregnant with his child!"Sonic whimpered, hugging himself. I felt so alone. Like he was in an empty pure white room with no escape. Dark sat down beside Sonic and rubbed his back

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