Chapter 16: Guys Night Out; Girls Night In (Part 2)

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Recap: "Shadow?" I asked. Shadow stood up, yanked me out of my seat, and started dragging me behind him. I yelped as I heard Shadow growl.....

(Silver's Pov)

Shadow pushed me against the wall close to the bathrooms. I kept my eyes closed, preparing to either get hit or yelled at. But what I got was the exact opposite. He kissed me! I was so shocked. I kissed him back. He pulled my tail. I gasped as his tongue went into my mouth. I moaned and wrapped my arms around his neck...

(Normal Pov)

Niesha came out of the bathroom whistling. She pulled out her phone to check the time.

"10:47pm." Niesha read. She sighed and was about to put away her phone, but stopped as she heard soft moans close to where she was. Curious, she went to find out where the noises were coming from and seen Shadow and Silver, tangled into each others arms kissing. She quickly took a pic and walked off, kinda pissed. She sent the picture to Amy and put her phone away, looking for Knuckles and Chamry....

(With The Girls)

Amy's phone buzzed on the couch as the girls, including Sonic, were sitting on the floor laughing at memories they were telling each other. Amy grabbed her phone and unlocked it

"Hey I got a text from Niesha." Amy smiled

"What does it say?" Rouge questioned. Amy checked the message and gasped at what she seen

"Amy what's wrong?" Cream asked. Amy handed Sonic her phone. Sonic, confused on what was happening along with the others, took Amy's phone and looked at the message. He gasped as tears began to fill his eyes

"I'm so sorry." Amy hugged Sonic. Rouge, Cream, Blaze, and Brenda looked at the picture and gasped as well

"H-He c-couldn't b-be cheating o-on m-me." Sonic whispered as he hiccuped

"I'm sorry Sonic." Amy rubbed his back as his sobs got louder. Sonic hugged Amy and cried into her shoulder

"Why me? I'm pregnant with his child and he does this?!" Sonic sobbed. Amy hugged him tighter and rubbed his head

"It's okay. Maybe he wasn't worth it." Amy whispered. Sonic nodded.....

(Morning) (With Shadow and Silver)

Shadow groaned as he sat up in a bed. He looked around and noticed that they were at Silver's house

"What the hell am I doing at Silver's house in his bed?" Shadow looked to his side and seen Silver sleeping soundly beside him. Shadow's eyes widen

"P-Please don't tell me....." He looked under the covers and seen that him and Silver were naked. Shadow muffled his scream and started facepalming, repeating the word stupid every time he hit his face. He forcefully threw the covers off of himself and put on his clothes. He ran out of the house and to Amy's house....

(At Amy's House)

The group had stayed up all night, keeping Sonic's mind off of Shadow. They had fell asleep at around 7:56am. Niesha looked around and seen Brenda laid cutely beside her. Niesha cooed, but mentally slapped herself

"Get ahold of yourself. You are not gonna cheat on Amy for someone you just met last night." Niesha thought. She stood up and stretched. Brenda turned in her sleep

"Niesha." Brenda moaned in her sleep. Niesha's face turned shocked and flushed. She shook her head and walked over to Amy and Sonic, waking them up. Sonic and Amy stood up, rubbing their eyes and yawning

"Good morning beautiful. Good morning Sonic." Niesha greeted and kissed Amy. Amy smiled

"Good morning." Sonic and Amy replied.....

(Time Skip)

Everyone was awake and had just finished eating the breakfast Rouge, Amy, Cream, and Blaze made

"That was good Rouge." Sonic smiled. Rouge giggled

"Thanks." Rouge replied

"Hey! We helped too!!" Amy, Blaze, and Cream hissed. Sonic smiled nervously

"Sorry." Sonic apologized. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Being the closest to the door, Brenda got up and opened it, revealing Shadow. Sonic frowned as the girls crossed their arms

"Hey everyone." Shadow greeted. Sonic stayed seated and the guys looked at him

"Not cool dude." Knuckles growled. Shadow's eyes widen

"What did I do?" Shadow asked. Sonic grabbed Amy's phone, unlocked it, and showed Shadow the picture

"This is what you did you prick!!" Sonic yelled, fighting the tears from rolling down his muzzle. Shadow looked at the picture in shock


"I don't even wanna hear it! I trusted you!! And you go and do this!? I'm even carrying your kid! Don't ever talk to me again!! We're through!" Sonic cried as he walked up to Shadow. He slapped Shadow across the face and ran upstairs. Amy and Cream ran after him

"You really did it this time Shadow." Charmy stated. Shadow growled

"You don't have to tell me twice. I was tipsy last night! I barely remember anything from last night." Shadow clenched his fist

"You still fucked up." Brenda said

"I don't even fucking know you! So stay out of my business and mind your own bitch!" Shadow shouted

"Don't get mad because you can't keep what's yours! She did nothing but tell you that you fucked up! If you can't take the fucking truth then get the hell out!" Niesha shouted back, defending Brenda. Shadow ran out of the house

"I fucked up big time. Now its time to fix it." Shadow stated as he ran into the dark forest, looking for the one person that he trusted the most....
Looks like Shadow's a cheater. Who's he going to find? Find out next time!

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