Chapter 20: New Lover(s)!?

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(Normal Pov) (With Sonic)

Sonic was running at a slow pace away from the girls, but they still couldn't catch up to him. He had tears falling down his muzzle as he remembered what the sign had said. He couldn't get it out of his head

"Sonic!! Stop running!!" Brenda called. Sonic just continued to run and eventually lost the girls. He stopped running and placed a hand on his stomach, quivering

"S-Sorry if I h-hurt you." He stuttered to his stomach. He was worried that he might have hurt his little girl. He walked into a bakery and sat down at one of the tables. One of the waiters came up to him with a pen and note pad. He was a yellow two-tailed fox with ocean blue eyes. You couldn't really see his stomach because of the apron he had on. Sonic looked up at the male to see that he was smiling at him

"Hi. My name is Tails and I'll be your waiter. What would you like to have today?" He asked politely. Sonic blushed at his politeness


"Can you just ummm g-give me a w-water?" Sonic questioned

"Of course! I'll be back with your order in a second sir." Tails replied. Sonic smiled

"T-Thank you." He said as Tails only nodded and walked off.....

(With The Girls)

The girls had ended up going back to Cream's house. They stopped following Sonic because they think he only needs time to himself. After a few minutes of talking and laughing, Brenda stood up and stretched

"I'm gonna go guys. I'm tired as fuck." She yawned. Niesha stood up too

"I'm gonna go with her. I wanna know how her house looks." Niesha smirked. Brenda rolled her eyes with a smile

"You're goofy." Brenda stated

"I know." Niesha stuck her tongue out at Brenda and Brenda giggled. Amy smiled and went over to Niesha, hugging her and kissing her passionately

"I'll see you at night later, right?" Amy questioned with a innocent look on her face. Niesha cooed at her girlfriend

"Of course sweetheart. I'll see you later. I love you." Niesha kissed Amy again

"I love you too, baby." Amy replied, kissing Niesha for the last time. Niesha watched Brenda walk outside. Niesha hurried, gave Amy another kiss, and ran out after her. Amy smiled as she sat down beside Blaze

"You two are cute." Blaze smirked

"YURI!!" Cream cheered. Amy giggled and Rouge shook her head with a smile

"I agree with Blaze hun. You and Niesha are really cute." Rouge stated. Amy giggled again

"Thanks you guys. I appreciate it." Amy replied. The girls nodded

"Anytime." The girls smiled....

(Back With Sonic)

"Here's your water sir." Tails said, setting Sonic's water on the table

"Thank y-you." Sonic smiled nervously. Tails smirked and chuckled at his nervousness

"Anytime cutie." Tails winked and walked off, leaving a blushing Sonic at the table. Tails went to the back of the bakery where the kitchen was. He was gonna go back to work, but his boss stopped him

"Tails, you've worked enough today." His boss (Mina) smiled. Tails blinked

"Are you sure? I have 2 hours left." Tails looked at Mina. Mina only giggled

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