Chapter 17: Plans

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(Normal Pov) (With Shadow)

Shadow ran into the Mystic Ruins. He whined as memories of him and his sister, who died, appeared in his head. He didn't want the memories to come back, but he needed help from. The thoughts came rushing in once he passed by a burned down house.......

"Shadow!" Heaven, who was Shadow's little sister and was 5, came running into his room. Shadow, who was 15 at the time, smiled as Heaven jumped into his bed. Heaven was a black hedgehog with hot pink streaks

"Yes Heaven?" Shadow questioned as Heaven crawled over to him and sat next to him. These two lived alone. No one took care of them. Shadow got a job to support himself and his sister. He worked at G.U.N., to young for a boy his age to be working there. G.U.N let him work there because of his chaos powers. Anyway Shadow and Heaven's parents were killed when Heaven was 3 months old. Shadow had ran out with Heaven as soon as he seen his parents getting killed. He was lucky that he had his chaos emerald

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