Chapter 14 : What's Wrong???

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Another chapter while I'm in class, but this chapter will be short. Sorry =(


(The Next Day) (Normal Pov)

Shadow woke up to sound of someone throwing up and an empty spot beside him. Wondering what was going on, Shadow got out of bed and slipped on his boxers that were on the floor. He walked over to his bathroom and opened the door to see Sonic on his knees in front of the toilet throwing up.

"O-oh h-hi Sh-." Sonic leaned back over the toilet and threw up again. Shadow sat down beside Sonic and rubbed his back

"Sonic what's wrong?" Shadow questioned. Sonic, sure that he wasn't gonna throw up again, laid his head against Shadow's chest

"I-I don't know. I woke up this morning and I had an awful urge to throw up." Sonic explained. Shadow got up and picked Sonic up. He laid Sonic on his bed and grabbed his phone. He dialed in the number and held it to his ear

"Hey Rouge speaking." Shadow heard her voice

"Hey can you do me a quick favor?" Shadow questioned

"Sure. What's up hun?" Rouge wondered

"I need you to stop by the store and get Sonic a pregnancy test." Shadow replied

"On it. See you in 10 minutes." Rouge hung up the phone and Shadow put down his phone and laid down beside Sonic. He wrapped his arms around Sonic's waist and laid down beside him...

(10 Minutes Later)

Shadow woke up and heard someone knocking on the door. He got up and walked downstairs and opened the door to see Rouge, Niesha, and Cherry.

"Um what are they doing here?" Shadow questioned

"Cherry was with me when you called me and Niesha called and asked if I could come and pick her up." Rouge explained

"And where is Amy?" Shadow asked as he let the three girls in

"With Blaze and Cream." Niesha mumbled. Shadow nodded and lend the three upstairs. They walked into his room to see Sonic sitting on the bed

"Hey." Sonic murmured. Niesha nodded his way as Rouge and Cherry waved. Rouge handed Sonic the pregnancy test and Sonic blushed

"You two did it last night didn't y'all?" Suddenly a smirk appeared on Niesha's face. Sonic's blush worsened and Shadow blushed hard. Sonic ran into the bathroom and shut the door to take the pregnancy test, leaving Shadow there with three smirking girls wanting details. Shadow sweatdropped and laughed nervously....

(1 Hour Later)

"Go check it Sonic." Cherry stated

"No you go check it. I'm to scared to." Sonic whimpered as he hid his face into Shadow's chest fur. Niesha groaned. This has been going on for about 5 minutes and she was getting annoyed

"I'll go check it then." She stated as she got off of Shadow's bed and walked into the bathroom. She picked up the test and looked at it

"What does it say Niesha?!" Sonic wondered. Niesha walked out with the test it hand and a big smile on her face

"Shadow and Sonic you guys are gonna be parents!!!" Niesha cheered as Rouge and Cherry cheered with her. Sonic smiled big and hugged Shadow tightly, who hugged back instantly

"I'm gonna be a father." Shadow said as a huge smile took place on his muzzle...

____________________________________________________________________________________Done! I hope you guys enjoyed! Bye!

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