Chapter 12: Rouge's House

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Attention! There's a lemon in this one as well between Niesha and Amy, but the next chapter it will be a lemon between Shadow and Sonic! Anyway enjoy!
(Normal Pov) (With Amy and Niesha) (The Next Day) (Time: 12:23pm)

Niesha woke up and didn't see Amy laying beside her. She got up and slipped on her underware, bra, and slipped on an oversized shirt from her closet. She walked downstairs and smelled something good. She walked into the kitchen and seen Amy cooking with her hair in a high pony tail. Amy was wearing one of Niesha's oversized shirts. Niesha smirked and walked behind Amy. She wrapped her arms around Amy's waist and put her head on Amy's right shoulder. Amy giggled as she continued cooking

"Good morning Niesha." Amy stated as she turned around. She faced Niesha and wrapped her arms around Niesha's neck. Niesha smiled softly and kissed Amy

"Morning Sweetheart." Niesha replied as she moved away from Amy. Amy whimpered and Niesha smirked

"Later." She said. Amy blushed and nodded. She then turned back around and continued making breakfast...

(After Breakfast)

Niesha picked up their plates and put them in the sink

"Niesha, I'm gonna go take a shower." Amy stood up from the table. Niesha smirked and pulled Amy's body agasint hers. Amy blushed

"I'll join you." Niesha growled seductively. Amy smiled as Niesha picked her up and ran upstairs....

(With Sonic and Shadow)

Sonic and Shadow were sitting in the living room, watching TV. Sonic was cuddled up to Shadow's side as Shadow had his arm wrapped around Sonic's shoulder

"Hey Shadow?" Sonic looked up at him. Shadow looked at Sonic

"Yes?" Shadow questioned

"Have Amy been blowing up your phone with text messages?" Sonic started playing with Shadow's chest fur

"Oddly no she hasn't." Shadow replied

"Do you think it has something to do with her knowing that were together?" Sonic asked

"It might be that." Shadow rubbed Sonic's quills

"Because Niesha hasn't been blowing up your phone either." Shadow added. Sonic nodded. Then Shadow's phone ranged. He seen it was Knuckles and answered it

"Sup Knux." Shadow greeted. Shadow then heard people laughing in the background

"Dude, you and Sonic need to get over here to Rouge's house! We got something to tell y'all." Knuckles said before hanging up. Shadow looked at his phone and sighed.

"What did he want?" Sonic asked as he sat up. Shadow stood up and pulled Sonic up with him

"Knuckles said he's got something to tell us at Rouge's house." Shadow replied ad he grabbed his car keys. Shadow and Sonic walked out of the house and got into the car. Shadow started the car and made his way to Rouge's house

"I wonder what they have to tell us." Sonic said as Shadow nodded...

(Back With Niesha & Amy)

Niesha carried a tired Amy out of the shower

(A/N: -_- "If you don't get it then it means Niesha and Amy had 'fun' in the shower.")

Niesha smiled and sat Amy on the bed. Amy yawned and watched Niesha pick out herself some undergarments. She pulled out a black bra and matching underware. Not even caring if Amy was watching, Niesha took her towel off of her body and placed on the undergarments. Amy gulped as she tapped her finger constantly on Niesha's bed. Niesha then slipped on some black jeans, a white tank top, a red and shirt shirt over the tank top (but still left the shirt open), and some black, white, and red high tops. She brushed her hair down and smiled at Amy

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