Chapter 21: Shadow and Tails?! (Part 1)

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(The Next Day) (Normal Pov) (With Shadow)

Shadow was softly banging his head against his wall with Knuckles, Silver, and Abigail sitting on the couch, looking at Shadow with worry. They've never really seen Shadow this banged up and heartbroken before. Silver had came over to see if he could get Shadow to like him. Before Silver separated from Amy, she told him that she was going to her and Niesha's house to wait for Niesha to come home. Silver got up and went over to Shadow and put his hand on Shadow's shoulder

"Shadow, it's okay. You just need to forget about him." Silver stated. Shadow shook his head

"He's pregnant with my kid and I love him like crazy. He was the light that shined on my darkness and without him I'm nothing." Shadow replied as tears filled his eyes. It broke Silver's heart to see someone he loved like this. Then he thought about something his mom told him before she died

"If you love them, let them go."

Silver sighed and bit his lip

"I think I should tell him Amy and I did it." Silver thought. Knuckles looked at Silver

"You okay dude?" Knuckles questioned. Silver shook his head and backed away from Shadow

"Shadow, I have a confession to make." Silver said. Shadow sniffed and looked at him

"W-What is it?" Shadow asked. Silver felt nervous again, but he knew that this was the right thing to do

"Amy and I are the ones that ruined your surprise to Sonic." Silver let the words roll off his tongue. He looked up at Shadow and seen Shadow with a shocked face, but he was visibly shaking. Silver got scared. Before he could run out, Shadow had grabbed him and slammed him into the wall

"YOU WHAT!?" He shouted in Silver's eyes began to water as he kept his mouth shut. Knuckles and Abigail had pulled Shadow off of Silver and Silver fell to the floor, shaking and crying quietly

"I'm sorry." Silver mumbled before disappearing. Shadow got out of Abigail and Knuckles's arms and looked at them

"I can't believe he would do that!" Shadow shouted

"Wait Shadow, think about it. Remember the guys night out we had?" Knuckles said. Shadow nodded

"Silver was looking at you mostly the whole time. He was jealous that you were with Sonic and when you and know....he was happy and he thought that you liked him. Until he found out that you still liked Sonic and you were trying to get him back." Knuckles explained. Shadow's jaw dropped

"How the fuck do you know that?" Shadow questioned, shocked at Knuckles's explanation. Knuckles shrugged

"It was pretty simple to understand Shadow. You just have to be vigilant." Knuckles smirked

"Okay I might not know him all like that, but his smartness needs to go because it's scaring me." Abigail stated. Shadow nodded and Knuckles rolled his eyes

"So Shadow, wanna go see Sonic and see what you can do to get him back or something?" Knuckles asked. Shadow nodded quickly

"Yeah, but where could he be?" Shadow blinked

"Ohh! I know! Sonic had left with a two-tailed fox to his house yesterday." Abigail stated. Shadow's eye began to twitch

"I swear if it's who I think it is..." Shadow thought to himself

"What color was the fox?" He questioned, his voice darker than usual. Abigail tilted her head

"He was a yellow fox with blue eyes."Abigail replied. Like that Shadow ran out of the house in a flash....

(With Sonic and Tails)

Tails and Sonic were out walking around the park. Sonic was holding Tails hand. He had felt comfortable with Tails. Tails looked down at Sonic and smiled. Sonic looked up and smiled back, placing the hand that wasn't holding Tails's hand on his stomach. Tails chuckled at him and kissed his forehead, causing Sonic to blush and smile wider

"Hey Sonic, you never told me your ex's name. What was his name?" Tails questioned. Sonic's eyes widened. He had completely forgotten about Shadow

"His name was Shadow." Sonic bit his bottom lip. Tails stopped walking

"You didn't just say Shadow did you?" Tails questioned. Sonic slowly nodded his head. Tails growled. Suddenly a figure appear in front of them. Sonic and Tails looked up and seen Shadow standing in front of him with a shocked look on his face

"Sonic?" Shadow questioned as he reached forward and stepped closer. Tails took action quickly and stepped in front of Sonic, his eyes dark and filled with hatred

"Move Miles. You've hurt enough people in your lifetime as it is." Shadow glared at him. Tails had rolled his eyes and Sonic looked confused. How do these two know each other and what happened between them?

"Hey! Did you miss us!?" Dark shouted in Sonic's head. Sonic blinked

"Where did you guys go?" Sonic questioned

"We actually don't know." Exe replied. Dark nodded beside him

"I'll talk to you guys in a minute. First I gotta figure out some stuff." Sonic thought. Dark and Exe nodded

"Come on Shadow! That was in high school!" Tails rolled his eyes

"But don't you know how humiliated I felt?!" Shadow cried. Tails only smirked

"That look on your face was hilarious babe." Tails replied. Shadow growled and Sonic's eyes widen

"They used to date!?" Sonic thought to himself.....


OMG SHADOW AND TAILS HAD A RELATIONSHIP!!! What will happen in the next chapter? Find out next time!

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