Chapter 19: _____!!!!!

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(The Next Day) (With Shadow)

"So is everything set?" Knuckles questioned. Shadow nodded

"This should be perfect." Abigail replied appearing beside Shadow. Shadow, Abigail, and Knuckles were just walking out of Shadow and Sonic's house. What they didn't know was someone had got into the house before the door had closed

"Let the ruining begin." The person smirked.....

(Later) (At Cream's House)

"What about Heaven?" Brenda suggested. Sonic shook his head

"That's too much of an original name." Sonic replied

"I know! Maxine!" Niesha shouted, jumping out of her seat. Brenda and Amy giggled. They looked at each other and then growled. Sonic smiled big

"I like that name! That's what I'm gonna name her." Sonic smiled, placing his hand on his stomach

"Good because I didn't have anymore names in mind." Rouge stated with Cream, Amy, Blaze, and Brenda nodded their heads. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Amy got up and opened it to see Shadow, Abigail, and Knuckles standing there. Amy placed her hands on her hips

"What do you guys want? And who are you?" Amy questioned. Shadow sighed

"Abigail, Amy. Amy, Abigail." Shadow introduced. Amy opened the door wider and let them in...

(After The Small Introduction)

"Now why are y'all here?" Sonic questioned

"We have something to show you at you and Shadow's house." Abigail replied. Sonic looked at Shadow then back to Abigail. He sighed and stood up

"Okay I guess." Sonic said. Shadow smiled

"Then come on." Knuckles replied. All the girls including Sonic walked out, with Knuckles and Shadow following....

(At Shadow and Sonic's House)

"Okay now what's up?" Sonic questioned. Shadow smiled

"I prepared something for you." Shadow replied. Knuckles and Abigail looked at him

"With the help of Knuckles and Abigail." Shadow added

"Okay what is it?" Sonic asked, sorta interested. Shadow opened the door to his house and let them in. When Sonic and the others seen what was in front of them they gasped in horror

"What?" Shadow looked around and seen blood and a sign that says "I never loved you, burn in hell." Sonic's eyes began to water

"I hate you so much!!!" Sonic shouted as he slapped Shadow and ran out of the house with the girls, except Abigail, following

"W-What happened!? When we left this was perfect!" Shadow exclaimed rubbing his cheek

"Somebody ruined this whole thing while we were gone." Abigail replied

"Damn. Let's clean up before we do anything else though." Shadow sighed. Knuckles nodded and went to the kitchen to grab some supplies.....
Short chapter, but hey! I still updated today! Who messed up Shadow's plan? Find out next time! Hope you guys enjoyed! Peace!

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