Chapter 24 : Happily Ever After

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(10 Years Later) (Normal Pov)

"Mommy!! Daddy's trying to do my hair again!!" The 10 year old daughter of Sonic and Shadow, Maxine, came running downstairs at Sonic speed away from her dad, Shadow. Shadow had followed her down and into the kitchen to see her hiding behind Sonic. Sonic only giggled 

"Shadow you know you can't do hair. Plus be quiet you two before you wake up the others." Sonic hushed

"Too late." Brenda yawned, coming down the stairs with a baby girl in her arms and her son walking beside her. The baby girl is named Alessandra The Hedgehog and the boy's name is Ethan Mercy The Hedgehog. Niesha and Brenda had adopted them. They got Ethan on Maxine's 7th birthday and they are the same age. Brenda and Niesha had got Alessandra just a few days ago from today and Brenda is already attached to her

"Can you do Maxine's hair for me , Brenda? I'm kinda busy right now." Sonic stated. Brenda smiled and nodded

"Come on Maxi. Let's get your hair done." Brenda went back upstairs with Alessandra in her arms and Maxine following

"No offense Shadow, but you really suck at doing hair." Ethan stated, sitting down at the kitchen table. Sonic, Brenda, Shadow, and Niesha all decided to live in Shadow's house all together just to keep each other safe

"Okay Ethan. Don't have to rub it in." Shadow mumbled

"Plus I don't want you ruining my girlfriend's hair." Ethan smirked

"Would you ju- wait...GIRLFRIEND!?!?!?!" Shadow growled. Ethan sprang up from his seat and started running with Shadow chasing after him. Niesha came downstairs and yawned

"Shadow leave the boy alone. You knew that this was gonna happen anyway. Remember Maxine's 9th birthday?" Niesha reminded. Shadow stopped chasing Ethan. On Maxine's 9th birthday, Ethan had gotten her a necklace with a heart on it. She loved it and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back and kissed her head. Ethan has liked Maxine for a while and finally when she turned 10, she decided to give him a chance

"Yeah I remember." Shadow sighed. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Ethan went over to the door and opened it, revealing Rouge, Knuckles, 8 year old girl Dawn, Cream, Charmy, and their 7 year old girl Destiny

"Hey!" Destiny jumped into Ethan's arms. Ethan was like a big brother to Destiny. He stuck up for her at school whenever he could when no one else could

"Hi Destiny. How are you?" Ethan smiled and hugged Destiny back

"Great! Never better!" Destiny is always hyper unless she is sad. Rouge and Knuckles stepped into the house and greeted the others

"It's been a while dude." Knuckles went over to Sonic, who had just walked into the living room, and hugged him. Sonic smiled and hugged back

"I know. 2 years to be exact! You guys missed Maxi's 10th birthday!" Sonic laughed. Rouge pouted and hugged Sonic when Knuckles let him go

"We know Sonic and we are really sorry about that." Rouge stated. Sonic and her released each other as Brenda came back downstairs with Maxine and Alessandra

"Hey Rouge! Hi Knuckles." Brenda greeted, holding Alessandra tightly in her hands. Rouge's eyes gleam as she went over to Brenda, looking at the small baby girl in her arms

"You and Niesha adopted a daughter!?" Rouge squealed. Brenda giggled and smiled softly

"Yeah. I've never been so happy about getting another kid. Plus Ethan was getting a little lonely so we got Alessandra." Brenda kissed Alessandra lightly on her head, causing the small hedgehog to babble and giggle cutely

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