Chapter 3:Intelligent people can act dumb, not the other way around!

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An eery silence has descended upon the room. They just found out Kumagawa Misogi had experienced the pain of every possible death. That also brought up the news of him being immortal.

Aside from shock and worry, people felt another feeling for him. Respect. To go through all that and still stand up was worthy of everyone's respect.

Even a deliquent like Ryuen had such an opinion about him. And he wasn't the only one.

A buff, rough looking first year had the same opinion. His name was Hosen Kazuomi.

Kazuomi:No wonder the behemoth wasn't even phazed

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Kazuomi:No wonder the behemoth wasn't even phazed. Not even when he used that knife to cut his fucking throat.

The part of the teather reserved to the teachers was probably the most worried. It was no surprise. It was Tomonari who was a diligent teacher who actually cared about his students and Sae with Chie, who both held a deep affection for the minus.

Tomonari:...Chabashira, when this is over we need to get the kid a good theraphist.

Sae:I don't need to be told that. Don't worry.

Loki:Well, let us continue. I'm sure you'll find these results very interesting.

Kiyotaka catched that part, results. That means...oh, they'll show that.

Kiyotaka:Haah, this is gonna be troublesome.

Kamuro Masumi had an internal battle between her judgement and beer. The beer won.

Arisu:Fufufu, what a humilating defeat.

Masumi:You're one to talk about being defeated.

Arisu:...To be fair, the two of them are not your average students.

Masumi:You can say that again.

A sneaker was heard beside her. The silent laugh came from a male classmates of her with shoulder lenght blonde hair. He was Hashimoto Masayoshi.

Masayoshi:Looks like god used your weakness

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Masayoshi:Looks like god used your weakness. Don't tell me you did something lewd?

Masumi:Go and lay an egg, you fucking reptile!

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