Chapter 4:A little sparring in the death of the night

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The classes absorbed the informations given to the. Ryuen began to laugh once more.

Ryuen:Kukuku, so those two can't only plan and fight well, but also good at academics.

Meanwhile, Chie set her sight on Sae. She was given a perfect oportunity to tease her.

Chie:Ara, poor Sae-chan! She made a good plan, but it tottaly backfired.

Sae:Like you're even smart enough to make a plan in the first place.


Loki:Alright, let us continue! This one will have a little more action.

Manabu:So it's that time

The screen started playing once more. The humans in the room watched, interesed by what he means.

Class D was having swimming lessons in the poll. Kiyotaka was by the side of the poll, alone.

Suzune:Relaxed, aren't they. Even though their in such a bad situation.

Kiyotaka:The human mind is used to ignoring problems. Plus, they have fate in Hirata.

Suzune:...Ayanokoji-kun, do you practice some kind of sport?

Kiyotaka:I only did caligraphy.

Suzune:I find that hard to believe. The muscles on your arms indicate a throughfuly physical training. As we're talking about misleading physiques, where's Kumagawa-kun?

Kiyotaka:He's still changing.

As they talked, they observed a shadow from behind the. Turning, they saw Kumagawa in his swimsuit.

Kumagawa:[Ah, there you two were.]

Kei can feel Ichika moving beside her. Curious, the gyaru tsundere turned to the cheeky devil.

Kei:What are you doing?

Ichika:Getting my phone out. This is a great oportunity!

In the third years seat a boistorous laugh can be heard. Fuka was amused.

Fuka:That kouhai is really bold!

Manabu:Is that so?

Fuka:Why, yes. I just said that, former president.

Manabu:Why are you also getting your phone out, then?

Fuka:Boldness is a good quality.

Suzune:...Huh, you're more toned than I thought. Did you practice a sport.

Kumagawa:[Well, no.]

Images flashed through his mind. Big, bulky man in suits dropped to the ground, dead, and his body covered in blood.

Ichika:Ah~! Smile-senpai covered in blood is even hotter than the usual Smile-senpai ~!

Ken:...Did you seriously just moan in ecstasy at the idea of him commiting murder?

Ichika:Of course! Now, let's see...

Kazuomi:Crazy chick.

Suzune :I'm honestly afraid to ask, but what are you doing now?

Ichika:Oh, just making a "research" folder.

The people around the room began making a variety of expressions from disgusted to deeply disturbed. Though some like Fuka dis seem to approve her words.

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