Chapter 18:Are there any need to test him anymore?

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Giggles were still heard through the room after the revelation that has been done. Kanji was at the point where the soul left his body.


Kiyotaka:Hormones leading to a sexual interes is natural for a tennager, but...

Zenkichi:...Just how horny were they?

Yuki:They got what was coming to them if you ask me. You barge in the man's room and make demands.

Kanji:Listen, you...AHHH!

Kanji felt extreme pain from two points of his tight. On those points two compasses were thrown with terrifying accuracy and stabbed his tight. Suzune also had a third compass in her hand.

Suzune:Not just were you rude that time, but you're also rude with our new classmate right now. Do you have any complains?



Sakayapapa:Looks how they slaighyered my school.

Ayanopapa:That's sad, Sakayanagi. But better you than me.

Sakayapapa:That's cold, sensei.

Ayanopapa:He did that in your school, do you imagine what he'd have done in the white room.

Sakayapapa:That's true, but you'd have two masterpieces.

Ayanopapa:...It's a hard decision.

Loki:Well, we shall see the beggining of the sport festival. Well, the preparations anyway.

The people turned their heads to the screen. They remembered hiw Kumagawa beat everyone by a landscape at that exam. The recording played.

Kumagawa was staying on his bed, thinking over things. The summer vacantion was almost over. Truly, they take too little time.

Well, it's not all bad. He did get to meet Yuki, which was probably one of the best things that happened in his life. After finnaly beating Medaka, of course.

He got a new call on his phone. This time it was Suzune.


He was in front of Suzune's room. He was surprised of how troubled she sounded. Do they have a mass murderer in school? Well, besides him.

He sung the door open and had a hard time kepping his composture. Suzune had her hand stucked in a bottle of water.



Suzune:...Of course they needed to show.

Arisu:Fufufu, and this is the great leader of class!

Honami:...Pffft! I-I'm sorry, Horikita-san, but this is just...hahaha!

Pretty much everyone was laughing. Even Manabu, which made his little sister to have a face of pure betrayal.

Suzune:Shut up!

Kumagawa:[How did this happen?]

Suzune:I was just washing my dishes and got my hand stucked.

Kumagawa:[That wouldn't have happened if you bought a washing machine.]

Suzune:Unfortunately, not everyone can rob senpais like it's a morning jog.

Kumagawa:[I'm just agressively negociating.]

Suzune:Whatever you say. So, are you gonna help me.

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