Chapter 26: That's how you hang out in group

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Ryuen was very amused by how mentally exhausted the teacher of class A already looked. Just wait for him to see what happened in later events.

When is that gonna happen, anyway? He's not excited for him to see him and his associates getting beat up, but all this slice of life shit is getting him really bored.

Loki:Now that you saw a central point which drives into later events, today we shall bear witness...

Ryuen had a grin on his face. Finally something worth seeing!

Loki:To a group hang out.

Ryuen's face morphed a frown of irritation. Justifiably, in his own opinion, his fist smashed again the armset of his chair.

Ryuen:Fuck! Not this shit again!

Thor looked at his brother with a dead stare. It was clear he did that solely to get such a reaction out of Ryuen.

Thor:...You couldn't help yourself, could you?

Loki tilted his head with a grin and a chuckle, regretting nothing. Thor gave a exasperated sigh to his brother in response.

As it is in winter, ANHS was hit by snow. The Ayanokouji Group was walking through the white streets after an outing.

Keisei:Ugh, my throat hurts like hell.

Haruka:That's what happens when you sing four songs in a row. But you really surprised me, Yukimuu. I didn't think you were that good!

Satsuki:Eh? Really? Yukimura-kun looks like the really serious type, wasn't expecting him to be into karaoke.

Keisei:It's because those two forces me into it.

He pointed his finger at Akito and Haruka. The two looked very proud of this feat.

Haruka:Yukimuu, don't you know it's rude to point fingers?

Keisei:Haaah...Well, it wasn't so bad.

Satsuki:I see.

Kumagawa:[I think his problem is actually the punishment game.]

Keisei:Yeah, singing has nothing to do with it.

Akito:I think you were the MVP on that one, Misogi.

Through the food at the karaoke there were those specially designed for those kind of games. Namely, six pieces of takoyaki from which one was spicy.

Whoever got the spicy one had to sing immediatly after and were not allowed to drink water after. Keisei got the spicy one quiet a few times.

Kiyotaka didn't really saw the point of it, but he thought it was fine because they did have fun. Additionally, Kumagawa had to point it out when he got the spicy one because he had no reaction to it.

Ken:Dude, that's just evil.


Suzune:Is it really so bad?

Kei:Yeah, I've been with some girls there. I swear, thta takoyaki must have some sort of hellish enchancement to it.


Kiyotaka:Yeah, it was really spicy.

Keisei:I know they called it spicy, but that's just ridiculous! What bad luck...

Haruka:Really? I think you could count it to good luck. If you got so many spicy ones, than you have an abundance of luck for the remaining year!

Keisei:There's only two weeks until the end of the year!

Haruka:Were they really that spicy?

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