Chapter 23:When there are no fights, there are other ways to lose time

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The students and teacher were once again amazed by the power and skills abnormals are in possesion of. Although two leaders weren't happy of the way they have been subdued.


To think that this is what would happen after gaining the ability to walk. She glared at her legs like she was trying to burn holes through them.

Ryuen wasn't that pleased of the way his class has been overshadowed either. What are they now? Punching bags for abnormals.


Thor:...This is quiet innapropiate.

Loki:But funny none the less.

Loki's smirk was directed at Masumi, making the class A girl confused. Not too long after, however, she concluded what will happen and loudly gulped with a blush of embarassment sat across her face.

This reaction did nor escape Suzune, saud girl looking at her class A counterpart. The two tsunderes stared at each other with a look of shared pain.

Thor:Now, this doesn't exactly have much to do woth the tidles of your battles. It more...Uh...


Thor:You have really got accustomed with midgardian terms.

Loki:You're just jelous they find me much more charming than you.

Thor:I certainly am not.

Loki:Yes, yes, of course!

Loki selected tge new video. However, before it began he looked at the crowd with his hand on his face like he was whispering, not actually whispering at all.

Loki:He's jelous.

The two monsters of class D got together in a small group with Akito, Keisei, Haruka and Airi. They have made small chatter to pass the time.

Airi:I really like making photos.

Keisei:Girls really are passinoate of such a hobbie, huh? I don't get what all the fuss is about.

Chiaki:Really? You've never saw a guy making photos.

Kei:Like, there are tones on Twitter and Facebook! Right, Kiyotaka?

Kiyotaka:Don't know. I don't have either.


Kiyotaka:I did think about making an account, but Kumagawa adviced me against it.

Kei:...What exactly was his advice?

Kiyotaka:He said they were the most evil mistakes humanity has ever made.

Kei's thoughts went back to those two social medias. Especially on the fake friends, toxicity, number of times it was used by people fir kiddnaping...and the disturbing amount of dick pics.

Kei:Yeah, can't really disagree with him on that one.

Haruka:Excuse me?

Kumagawa:[Keisei-chan, your sexism is showing.]

Keisei:I just stated my opinion.

Kumagawa:[Keisei-chan, your mommy issues are showing.]

Keisei:Shut up!


Keisei:Anyway, I'd really hate to have my photos posted.

Haruka:We can agree on that.

Two invisible arrows pierced Airi's heart. That was her hobby...even though she didn't get to do it as often anymore.

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