Chapter 6:Sometimes, you need to play detective

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Kikyo was in a pelicular position which she found herself in once again. On the ground, beat up.

Suzune did feel emphaty for her. She remembered when she meet with the little devil on the island and got in the same position.

Kayano:That...that kouhai's really strong.

Satsuki:Uh,'re quiet athletic, right? Do tou think you can try to...

Kayano:Hell no!

Kikyo:Fuck...everything hurts.

Ichika:Brings back old memories, doesn't it? Bitch-senpai~?

Kikyo:Fuck you!

Ichika:Yes, I'll make sure Smile-senpai will.

Kei:Are we really ignoring the fact that Kushida-san has commited murder?

Ryuen:Kukuku, not like it freaking matters. She can't be arrested for it.


Kiyotaka:Kei, do you remember that guy.

Kei:...I don't.

Kiyotaka:Yes. This is only a theory, but I believe Kumagawa used his All Fiction to erase any memory and records he ever existed. You can't punish someone for killing someone where there's no proof of their existence.


Masumi:Damn, should've took him with me to loot beer.

Masayoshi:Kamuro, you realize you just admited to being a thief?

Masumi:Eh, we jave murderers in school already. I'm quiet moral, really.

Yuki:Can I come too? The guys in my class are really lame.


Yuki:What? I only said the truth.

Loki:Now, if we're done, we have a viewing to get to. This will take a certain incident.

Ken looked quiet sheepish at that, while Ryuen smirked. The screen started playing.

As their dorms were close, Kiyotaka met Kumagawa in his way to the elevator. The two monsters in human form decided to go together.

When the elevator arrived they were meet with quiet the rare sight. Both Suzune qnd Kikyo were in the elevator already. Kumagawa was first to comment on that.

Kumagawa:[Well, this a surprise. Both of you in a elevator and not ripping each other's throats.]

Kikyo:I can arrange soon as I can feel my body again.

Suzune:Sure, sure.

Kikyo:What was that, you bitch?

Suzune:At least I put up more of a fight against that kouhai. And he likes me more.

Kikyo:...You did not.

Suzune:Oh, but I just did.


Suzune:She was waiting in front of my door.

Kiyotaka:You need to admire her determination. In her place I'd have given up long ago.

Suzune:...Are you getting in or not?

Kiyotaka:We're getting in.

Both boys get on the elevator. Kushida seemed to be a lot more open to Kumagawa from what Kiyotaka saw from her body language.

When the elevator arrived at it's destination the first thing they saw was a light pink. It just happened that Ichinose Honami was close.

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