Chapter 7:Yamauchi's father has been fired

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Ken stared at the screen, waiting in anticipation. He knew that his savior wasn't the one he thought, but he still hoped.

Kiyotaka:Ah, I guess it'll be that one.

Suzune:Hm, the process?

Kiyotaka:No, it's something else. You weren't there. Though, I guess it'd be pretty bad for you if they did show the process.

Kei:Did something happen there?

Kiyotaka:Let's just say that Horikita froze and Kumagawa took some...drastic measures to make her come back to her senses.

Suzune's check flushed red. Oh, she remembers alright. She feels like she could die of embarassment.

Loki:Well, we should fo further. There is a bit of action and some secrets unveiled.

That got the people's attention. The screen started playing.

Kumagawa exited the class. His classmates were as useless as alwais, not even knowing what to look for to defend Ken.

From the corner of his eyes, he noticed Kikyo talking with a pink haired girl. It looked like she got her camera broken somehow.

Interestingly enough, her glasses were also pink. Sakura Airi seemed to be your typical anime shy girl.

She bowed and run away like her life depended on it. Kumagawa looked at her impassively.

Kumagawa:[Sakura Airi, huh.]

Kikyo:I tried to talk with her, but she rejected me.

Kumagawa:[Well she saw through your facade.]

Immediatly, the class's fake angel's eyes widened. She took Kumagawa by the collar and began to shook him.

Kikyo:Oi, are you for real!? My life's in danger!

Suzune:My, looks like someone broke under preasure.

Kikyo:Not that it fucking matters anymore.

Suzune:Did Sakura-san know?

Kiyotaka:No, but she did feel there's something off with her.

Kumagawa:[Only your social one. Don't worry, she doesn't know you're faking it. But she doesn't want to look you on the eyes, soshe at least figured out there's something intimidating about you.]

Kikyo:Haaaah, don't scare me like that. And what's up with the eyes?

Kumagawa:[It's said their a window to the soul.]

Kikyo:Oh, so she should be alright with you?

Kumagawa:[Why would you think that?]

Kikyo:For her to avoid you, you should've first have a soul.

Kumagawa simply chuckled at her attempt for a insult. Now, they have an oportunity.

Hearing a knock on her door, Airi came out of her room to answer. She was meet with two monsters and a two faced girl.

Kumagawa:[We came to help you with the camera!]

Airi:H-how did you know w-where I live?

Kumagawa:[Don't worry about that.]

She finnaly decided to go with them. Well, she tried to resist at first. But soon she found out that any attempt to argue or run from Kumagawa were useless.

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