Chapter 8:There's more than one way to win a process

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Suzune was steeling her heart and soul. She's gonna face death, be ut from embarassment or jelous girls.

Ken:I wonder what exactly happen?

Ryuen:Kukuku, I should be asking that.

Kazuomi:Hm, looks like the behemoth destroyed your plan.

Ryuen:Kukuku, like you're one to talk.


Arisu was staring at the screen. Ryuen has probably declared war on class D in that day, but Masumi informed her Kumagawa and Ryuen didn't meet until the cruis ship. The puzzle became complete in her mind.

Arisu:...Ah, so it's that day. Fufufu, such a coincidence.

Kiyotaka:Coincidences can be freaky.

Loki:Alright, we're gonna wrap this incident up. I'm sure many of you are curious what happened.

The students really were curious about it, as were the teachers. The screen started playing.

Airi was swayed to act as a martor after all. Surprisingly, Manabu came to oversee the trial.

He did not come alone, though. Together with him was his loli cute purple haired secretary Tachibana Akane.

On their side there were various reactions. Ken was sweating bullets. Sae, Kumagawa and Kiyotaka didn't look like they were giving a shit, really. Suzune froze in her seat. And Airi was shaking from the pression.

On the other side the oldest looking teacher in the school was having a smirk. Even though he barely knows anything about the case, Sakagami Kazuma was looking quiet smug.

By his side were other three students. The one with the longest hair was Kondo Reo.

Really, Kumagawa only noticed him first because of his hair. The second was more noticeable because of his rought looks, he concluded he must ne the leading pawn of the operation. His name was Ishizaki Daichi.

The third one was really the most unremarkable of the group. The only interesting feature being little eyes. This was Komiya Kyouto.

Kazuma:And that is the end of it. Does class D have anything to say? Chabashira?

Sae:Hm? Huh? Are we still doing this shit?

Tomonari:Really, Chabashira?

Sae:What? My plan didn't work, so I just said fuck everything. Plus, have you ever needed to be in the same room so much time with this guy?

Tomonari:...That is a valid point.


Kazuma:...Were you listening? At all?

Sae:No, not really. I'm lucky Kumagawa brought a esprèsso machine, otherwise I think I'd fall asleep from hearing you talk.

Kazuma:Why would you even bring a esprèsso machine!?

Kumagawa:[For esprèsso.]

Manabu:Let us hear class D's plead. On that note, plese pass me an esprèsso too.

While Kumagawa passed the coffe to Manabu and one to Kiyotaka as well, Suzune was still frozen. Seeing that the minuse took a sadistic expression.


Kumagawa pressed himself on her, cheeks touching with hers and began grope her tights. That jolted her back to reality and extreme shame.

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