Chapter 27:Set the stove for dragon

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People really liked to talk about their group, Kiyotaka found out. Gossip really is part of human nature.

He really didn't see the reason to it. They were just hanging out like any high schoolers.

Well, he supposed that friends didn't throw the most spicy thinfs they can think of in a friend's mouth to test their spice tolerance. But really, that was more on Kumagawa and Haruka being so chaotic.

He really didn't think it was such a big deal to be gossiped about. There were many more things more interesting. Hell, they were in the same room with two gods and an ancient hero.

Thor:Have you enjoyed the more lighthearted part of the school?

A choorus of agreements was heard. With all the brutal conpetition going around, they sometimes forget that this school is facilitated with all sorts of entertainment.

Loki:Well, this is the end of our little break. We shall go right back to the major events, namely...The search for X!


Again, getting beat up wasn't what Ryuen was excited about. But they finally get to see some action.

It was a nice day, all things considered. The memories of the Ayanokouji Group's outing still fresh in their mind.

Arisu was very nice with Honami and even said their difference in points on the last exam wasn't so big. She was surely preparing something.

As calm the day was, class D was hit by a storm. This storm had magneta hair, lackeys with him and opened their door with a kick.

Ryuen:Yo, class D!

Sae stared at the new arrival and just left without saying anything. Her lesson was already over, after all.

She wasn't paid enough to deal with such things. Even if she was, Ryen was far from being dumb enough to just beat them up while being supervised by hidden cameras.

Kei:Woah, I'm feeling the love...

Sae:It's the world of adults, Karuizawa. You'll get there. Well, maybe...Chie still hasn't arrived.

Chie:Woah! So mean! I'm an adult, too!

Sae turned her head to her former schoolmate after giving her reasoning to Karuizawa. She wore a face of mock shock.

Sae:Really? You're sober enough that you know your age?

Chie:Hmph, meanie Sae-chan!

Ken:Hey, what's going on? This is class D!

Ken was quick to pick a fight as usual, but this time he looked a lot more defensive. He was most likely trying to protect Suzune.

Kiyotaka almost pitied the poor red head. Almost.

Yosuke:Do you have any bussiness with our class, Ryuen-kun?

Ryuen:Huh? Is there any reason I can't visit my fellow students? That does happen at this school, doesn't it? Visiting a pal. Why're you all shaking?

Yosuke:That does usually happen, yes. But this is not a normal school. You've never visited class D before.

Ryuen:We've been too enstranged. I thought it's about time to given an effort for buddying up.

Ryuen placed his hand on a nearby girl's desk, showing off his white teeth in a large smile. The girl in this situation looked very much frightened.

Ryuen:Man, you guys sure did great in the Paper Shuffle. Class C admits your brilliance. There's nothing sure, but there's a talk about changing places next semester. That's huge.

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