Chapter 24:He can be nice too!...Sometimes...

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Distant thoughts ran through Kiyotaka's head. His meeting with his father was comung up soon.

He might found out what Kumagawa did that night. He was really curious, hus friend usually isn't motivated to do anything and even whines about how boring the world itself is. Well, it's fair to think it would be so from his point of view.

Thor:Oh, how rare...Yet how satisfying.

Loki:Well, he does have his moments. They are usually overwhelmed by his other actions, but they're still.

Sakurako:Hm? What are you two talking about?

Thor:Listen now, children. What would you say if I said that this time there will be shown a genuin kind act of the Kumagawa?


Ryuen:Kukuku, I need to agree with tge gorilla.

Kazuomi:Talk back when you can beat me one on one, ya' walking stick.

Ryuen:Unfortunately, I deeply dislike working hard.



Arisu:Fufufu, now this can actually happen. I myself has been granted such a gift, if you remember? Although it solely depends on his disposition.

Kiyotaka:Kumagawa can be nice to people, but just if the individual is close to him or important to someone close to Kumagawa himself.

Suzune:...He does have his moments.

The Ayanokoji Group had meet, as usual, at Keyaki Mall. Haruka seems to have heard that Kumagawa and Kiyotaka were with Hiyori at lunch and had taken upon herself to interogate them.

It seems that the poor girl, while very well versed in books, had no real contact with light novels or manga. Kumagawa decided to take tge role of the hero in that much as he dislikes the term.

Ken:He doesn't like being called a hero?

Zenkichi:Yeah, Kumagawa-senpai dislikes such labels, likely because of his nihilish and cynism. He'd most likely stab a person if they called him a hero...Although he might make a exception if it's a cute girl. That is, if he's in a goid mood.

Sakurako:Senpai's action doesn't imply any heroism, but you can't call him a villain either.

Yuki:He dies whatever he wants and that's that.

Ayanopapa:Hm, that guy doesn't seem to have anything close to a sense of good or evil.

Zenkichi:Yeah...that was a real bother when we weren't exactly in good terms. It'd have been more simlle to deal with him if he was just evil, but he's too complicated.

While Hiyori talked about various books and even lend to of them to the two, Kumagawa talked about mangas revolving around mysteries and darker themes associated with it like Danganronpa or Kuroshitsuji. As they finished the story Haruka looked a bit dissapointed.

Haruka:So she doesn't date either of you?

Kiyotaka:No. But there's still the possibility of spying on us for Ryuen.

Kumagawa:[Although it is pretty unlikely.]


Hiyori:And I wasn't.

Kiyotaka:And I know that, but I needed to be cautious at that time.

Hiyori:That's undetstatable, Ryuen-kun was really determined to find X. I'm just happy that we're book buddies now!

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