Chapter 22:Some fights are meant not to be mingled with

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Kiyotaka was excited. The gods would say they would show something interesting, so they're probably gonna show another alternative. They also mentioned a show of strenght, so he might be able to see Kumagawa fighting for real.

Kiyotaka:Hm, I wonder what will be.

Kei:It must be something really cool. Those gods looked really excited.

Kiyotaka:Yes, it should be interesting.

Loki:We shall show you all another alternative. Ryuen and Housen should be excited for this.

Ryuen:Kukuku, excited?

Kazuomi:What, are we gonna see the behemoth going all out?

Thor:Not quiet, but close enough.

Ryuen:Kukuku, what are you waiting for!?

Loki:Let us start, than.

The people turned their head to the screen. Their anticipation was immensurable as the screening began.

Things were pretty well in ANHS. Haruki has been expelled, which Kumagawa noted to be a reason to take Arisu out for diner.

Class D was waiting for Sae who was a little late. Kanji seemed to be missing from the class.

Sae:Good morning class. Now, you might wonder why Ike isn't here.

Chiaki:Sensei, we don't really care.

Sae:And I don't blame you. Anyway, Ike is not actually missing from the class.

Satsuki:Did they finnaly arrest him for sexual harassment?

Sae:No. It's actually a special exam.

Ken:Oh, here we go again.

Suzune:Sensei, can you explain us the exam.

Sae:Hm. This exam is actually newly implented and is called the Confrontation Exam. Ike, in fact a member from each class will be exchanged with a student from another another school we are making the exam in cooperation with. Each class will choose a member to compete with a exchange student from another class in a random event. As it says, is a confrontation between elites. You're representing ANHS itself. As such, if you loss the event you'll be expelled.

The class, aside from the two monsters, was in shock. This was truly a very harsh punishment. They never experienced such a brutal exam.

Yosuke:Sensei, this is too cruel!

Kiyotaka looked over to Yosuke. It was undrrstatable, he just helped the naive boy to get over the expulsion of Haruki and now he was presented with such an exam. That being said, the masterpiece doubts such an exam would have such a risk without a great reward.

Sae:You may think so Hirata, but it is what it is. Well, calm down. It's not like it doesn't have an equal outstanding reward. If you win your confrontation, you'll get 20 million private points.

Yosuke was still in a emotional disturbance, but Suzune was calmly analyzing the situation. For certain, it seems fair. If you losse you'll be expelled and if you win you'll get the amount of point needed to overrun an expulsion.

She was not so worried, she had two great options for this exam. There are two boys from her group of forced friends that she fairly certain they'd win no matter the challenge.

Suzune:Sensei, what school are those student from?

Sae:Actually, their school has a rate of succes and influence who challanges and even surprasses ANHS. It's called Hakoniwa Academy.

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