Chapter 16:Elevators can be used for raceing

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Kiyotaka sighed, knowing more secrets will be revealed. More than that, he's curious about those alternatives. Curiosity was one thing that not even the white room was able to wipe out from him.

Suzune:I wonder what will be shown next?

Kiyotaka:Well, the only thing that happened next that I can think of is the day whith the fortune teller.

Suzune:Fortune teller? That's surprising, you don't seem to be the type of person to believe in such things.

Kiyotaka:Well, I was curious. Kumagawa also came with Himeno.

Yuki:Yeah, that was actually the day I meet him.

Zenkichi:Hm, I'd say he liked you from the beggining. Your personality is the type of person Kumagawa-senpai would enjoy talking to.

Yuki:Yeah, we hit it off pretty good.

Thor:Well, let us watch! This shall be yet another proof of Kumagawa's might.

Ryuen:Might? Kukuku, did he beat up the fortune teller?

A blue short haired girl with blue eyes let out a scoff. She was Ibuki Mio.

Mio:He's probably talking about the elevator

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Mio:He's probably talking about the elevator.


Mio:Haaah, you'll see, Shiina.

They watched the screen, waiting to see this feat. Images began playing through the flat glass.

Kumagawa was relaxing in his room, reading the new volume of Weekly Shounen Jump. So lucky that they have it here.

He thinks that the To Aru creators had a good idea with those miniseries. They made one for Accelerator first, and now they even made one for Kakine.

Zenkichi:Yeah, it really gives you a more indept view of they motives and why they have become how they are.

Kiyotaka:I agree. Watching the main chracter is great and all, but sometimes watching other characters is a welcomed breeze of fresh air.

Ryuen:Kukuku, that Accelerator one was my favorite. It was the best part of the franchie if you ask me, kukuku.

Arisu:Fufufu, how mean of you, dragon boy. But I do need to agree with you. The majority of protagonists tend to be boring and bland. There are certain ones who deviate from that theme, however.

Fuka:Hm, truly. The antagonists's arcs are much more entertianing.

Masayoshi:Yeah, take MHA for an example. Rather than watching Midoriya I'd prefer watching Shigaraki.

His reading stopped abruptly qs he heard his phone buzzing. He was surprised to see who was actually the caller this time.

Kumagawa:[Hm, Honami-chan?]

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