Chapter 10:Death is with the minus. Enter! Two old friends.

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Kanji was left barely alive. No one tried to help him, because he deserved it.

Kiyotaka was still patiently waiting the next screening. In normal conditions, he'd be worried if people found out his secrets. But Kumagawa would probably erase their memories if he asked them to.

Kiyotaka:I wonder...

Kei:Hm, what is it Kiyotaka?

Kiyotaka:Ah, nothing. I was just wondering if they'll show glimps of Kumagawa's past, or more specifically people from his past. I do find the informations we were given about them fascinating.

Kei:Ah, I see. That'd be cool.

The two gids happened to overhear their conversation. Loki turned to Thor with a smirk on his face.

Thor:I do think it's a great idea.

Loki:Me too, brother.

Thor:Should we invite the man of zeroes.

Loki:It's just called the zero, brother. Yeah, we should. I'm also thinking about inviting...him.

Thor:...Loki, no.

Loki:Oh, come on!

Thor:Brother, no!

Loki:What's the worst that could happen?

Thor:Uh, kill us?

Loki:I promise, we'll be out before that happens we'll be out of here and safe...Not so sure about the rest of those guys.


Loki:I'll do my best!

Thor:Ah, by the norse. Fine!

Loki moved in front of the teather giddy. He clapped his hands, gathering everyone's attention.

Loki:Listen up, mortals! It has been put to my attention that some of you would like to know about the people in Kumagawa's past.

Unsure nods were made in the room. Loki grinned almost maniacally, making those people question if their answer was right.


A green portal was soon opened. Through the inter-spacial gate walked out two men.

The first one had short blonde hair and blue eyes. He had a athlethic frame and was pretty handsome, wearing something that seemed to be a blue school uniform. He was Hitoyoshi Zenkichi.

The second man was also handsome, but looked more akin to a demon

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The second man was also handsome, but looked more akin to a demon. He had light purple skin, however the skin around his limbs was of a darker shade. He was very tall and muscular, towering even over Albert. His eyes were also noticeable because of his red scelar, with fiery red hair to match. From his head you can spot two sharp crimson demon-like horns, his ears and teeth being sharp also. He was wearing a red robe held to his body by a thick brown obi, with a thick chain around his body. He was one of the only beings that could be cosidered a real threat to Kumagawa, the one and only Shishime Iihiko.

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