Chapter 28:Dogs can die of embarassment

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There are many ways to die in this world, humans had found out this througout history because of how invetive they were on this specific subject. However, one of the oldest saying there is is dying of embarassment.

But is something like this truly possible? Currently, Ken sure as hell feels like it is.

It was nad enough when he was leashed back then in front of the girl he was in love with, having also been seen like that by bastards like Ryuen and Rokusuke. But now, he was seen like this by the entire school.

Zenkichi's heart goes to him, it really does. Although Kumagawa had teased him for being Medaka's dog on multiple ocassions, he had never done something like this to him.

Has he been getting meaner? Or was he nicer to Zenkichi all this time without him realizing?

Zenkichi himself wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. If the past taught him anything, is that he can be really oblivious.

Ken:Can...Can we just move on?

Zenkichi made his way to second row seats, leaning over Ken as he pat his shoulder reasuringly. He was just a nice guy like that.

Thor:Brother, I think we can at least show some mercy on the poor...Are you taking notes?

Indeed, Loki was writting in a notebook giddily while chuckling to himself. He looked to be in a concerningly good mood.

Loki:I have to remember this one next time when I meet your friend! You know, the one with the shield.

Thor:You stay away from Steve.

After assembling their little team the member of Class D have gone in pursuit of Rokusuke and Ryuen. Despise the path ahead being full of Class C students and Ryuen trailing behind him, Rokusuke still walked forward as he usually did.

Ken:Just like Suzune said, let's stop them!

Suzune:Kumagawa-kun was right to put that leash on you. We have to wait and observe, we still have no idea what Ryuen-kun is planning.

Ryuen was right on one thing, simply walking alongside a student from a different class wasn't against the rules. If they acted now they'd be seen as the troublemakers by the school.

Ryuen:Hey, Kouenji. Let me pick at your brain, eh?

Rokusuke:What are you doing? I don't recall doing anything that'd make you flag me.

Ryuen:You don't get to decide that.

Rokusuke:Hmph. You don't, either.

Ryuen:You remember me, don't you?

Rokusuke:You're Class C's obnoxious dictator, right?

Ryuen:You managed to escape me last time. But you're coming with me, freak.

Rokusuke:My aplogies, I'm afraid I must have been busy whenever you missed me. However, you said something I can't overlook. Have you just called me freak?

Kumagawa chuckled at their interaction. It was the kind of conversation from which an average observer couldn't say if they were arguing or flirting.

Wait, was that how he and Zenkichi were when they were still enemies? Huh, that explains a lot.

Zenkichi:Wait...Oh, yeah. That checks out.

Nazuna:Eh? What checks out?

Zenkichi:Why there were so many girls asking fir me and Kumagawa to take pictures together after the Student Council battle ended.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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