Chapter 11:Preparations before a surprise test

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Kiyotaka concluded that Zenkichi was in fact a pretty cool guy. Hm, maybe he could be his friend too?

Loki seems to be much more relaxed. His brother did take notice of it.

Thor:We're still good.

Loki:Yeah, to be honest I was really scared.

Thor:Me too, brother.

Loki:I did sound confident at the beggining, but to be honest I doubt even Bifrost could've got out out of that.

Thor:Yes, but you worked it out.

Loki:Well, it only took a bit of diplomacy.

Miyabi managed to start a conversation with his slaves. Really, he only did that to stay away from Iihiko, in fear to somehow upset the world destroyer and end up in pieces.

Iihiko:Hey, flower girl.

Nazuma:Y-yes! Uh, Shishime-san, right?

Nazuma would lie if shesaid she wasn't a little scared as well. In her defense, Iihiko's looks are very intimidating.

Iihiko:Those guys look really devoted to that blondie. The only things I can compare it with would be those minions of Ajimu Najimi to her or a minus to Kumagawa.

Nazuma:Well, he took control of the second year and half of the third year. They do look at him as their savior for getting them in class A and being very capable, but he's a bastard really.

Iihiko:Savior, eh? Those things don't last much.

Fuka:Hm? Are you familiar with the term?

Iihiko:Well, I was what you could call a hero. Eh, that was five thousands years ago, though. What I protected is long gone and only thing remaining is trash.

Nazuma:Oh, that must have been really hard for you.

Fuka:I can't argue with that. Today's society is really faulty.

Kiyotaka and Manabu were looking at Iihiko while thinking deeply. Everyone thought about being immortal at least once. But, is this the consequence of living for that long.

Loki:Very well, we'll begin to watch the island exam. And how your "leader" took care of things.

Most of the class D was ecstasic to see what Suzune did. The tsundere remained silent, knowing the gig is up.

Suzune looked at Kiyotaka. She figured by now that the expressionless boy has a similar mindset to her smiling crush. That would probably create a disturbance within the class.

Well, this is with her dreams of reaching class A. Atleast she gets to spend more time with Kumagawa now.

She, like all the others, looked at the screen. Soon, it started playing.

Today, the students of ANHS weren't on school grounds. Today, they were on a ship.

Well, the ship was owned by the school. Esperanza, a luxury ship with modern bedrooms, a five star restaurant, spa, massage, a pool and many other facilities for the students to enjoy their vacantion to the maximum.

The students of class D were split into groups. Well, with the exception of Rokonosuke who was admiring himself in a mirror, Kumagawa and Kiyotaka who were drinking smoothies together and Suzune who was being Suzune.

Unfortunately, the peace of the monsters didn't last long. They were intrerupted by the three idiots.

Kanji:This place is awesome.

Haruki:Right, right!? Especially, hehehe...

He was looking at the girls in the pool. To be accurate, at their bodies.

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