Chapter 15:Mister chaotic matchmaker

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Everyone student was confused. They just saw Kumagawa in a couple with a female Kiyotaka.

Satsuki:That...was weird.

Kayano:Yeah, but they do look good together.

Satsuki was confused by her statement. Didn't she also have a thing for Kumagawa?

Kayano:Well, I'm a little jelous, but that's another reality. Plus, if it happened in our reality...Hehehe.

Fuka:Kouhai-kun and Kouhai-chan together, you say? Oh, a kouhai duo would be interesting.

Nazuma:Well, when you say it like that...

Ichika:That'd be even better~!

Kiyotaka saw how pretty much every girl was pondering it with blushes on their faces. A shiver run down to his spine. He turned his head to Kei, but she was blushing too.

Kiyotaka:...Ultimate betrayal.

The masterpiece felt a pat on his shoulder. Turning his head, he saw Zenkichi giving him a symphatetic look.

Zenkichi:It's gonna pass, trust me.

Kiyotaka:...Wait, did you also...

Zenkichi:...Yeah, they even shipped him with Maguro-san, Chobusaki-kun and even Unzen-senpai. Strangely, the most popular one was with Akune-senpai.

Kiyotaka:...Girls are weird.

Zenkichi:Yes, yes they are.

Loki:Now, if you finished with your...unsettlingly specific fascination with a homosexual relationship between those two, we can contonue with your actual reality.

Nazuma:Excuse me, will we see other what ifs?

Loki:Of course, there are a large number of them. Even one when Kumagawa didn't come here.

Satsuki:Huh, wonder how'd that be.

Loki:You actually got with the buffon in that one.

Satsuki:...What's wrong with the other me?

Thor:Let's just continue.

The people turned their attention to the screen. The screening began.

After the end of the island exam everyone returned to the cruise ship. Kumagawa and Kiyotaka were enjoying some cold drinks

Kumagawa:[I had fun! So many people to play with.]

Kiyotaka:Ah, you did mention you got a new toy. Who is it?

Kumagawa:[Onodera Kayano-chan!]

Kiyotaka:If I remember right, she's a very good swimmer. Hm, she'd be usefull if we got such an exam.

Kumagawa:[Do you think we're gonna get a hand to hand fighting exam?]

Kiyotaka:It's possible, but unlikely. While the school does support the use of one's physical abilities, ot is against violence.

Nagumo:That is a good idea...he's not allowed to compete.

Kiyotaka:Well, he's gonna be dissapointed.

Daichi:Kumagawa-san is great, but...I'd really prefer not to.

Ryuen:Kukuku, speak for yourself.

Kazuomi:Tch, and I could've ducked out with the beast.

Nagumo:You realize you could die, right?


Nagumo:Something's seriously wrong with all of the kouhais.

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