Chapter 9:Busted by the screen!

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Ken has finnaly accepted the fact that Suzune wasn't the one who saved him from expulsion the first time. Or the second time. And probably everything else.

He'd like to persuade her romanticly, but he had no reason to. It was probably the best considering she was not interesed in him in anyway, she was rather interesting in the guy that saw her as a toy. Conuting that Kumagawa would be his rival if he would've continued, at least he gets a longer lifespan.

Meanwhile, three boys of class C were getting beat up by Albert. There's no need to mention who they were.

Suzune:I wonder what they'll show next?

Kiyotaka:Hm, I think after that it was the day we went to the pool.

Suzune:...Is there gonna be a end to my embarassment?

Kei:What do you mean?

Kiyotaka:Yeah, from what I remember nothing embarassing happened there.

Suzune:Haaah, you'll see.

Kikyo:...The pool?

She remembered of when she meet Kumagawa that night. She looked at Kanji with a satisfied smirk.

Ichika:Oh, did something interesting happen, Bitch-senpai?

Kikyo:You'll see.

Loki:Very well, then. It won't be anything relevant this time. It'd be more of a, uh, what do midgardians call it?

Thor:Filler episode.

Loki:Yes! Filler episode.

The students looked in understanding, that means this one will be more relaxing. They paid attention to the screen.

Suzune was doing something unexpected from her. She was hanging out with her classmates.

Earlier that day Kei and Yousuke did invite her to the pool, but she said she'd rather use her time to study. And she'd rather use her time to study.

So, there is a question. Why the hell is she here?

Well, at least she's with her usual, unfortunately, group. That being Kiyotaka, Kikyo and Kumagawa.

The tsundere's eyes fell on the only other girl on the group. Kushida Kikyo was surely a very influencial person in the class, having probably the biggest social network in the school. She tries to be her friend, but for some reason Suzune feels like she hates her. And her smile's really reminding her of someone.

Kiyotaka is at least more tolerable. He doesn't talk too much, if it's not a conversation with the other male member of the group. She can't really read him.

And that brings her to the last member of the group and most likely, to her immense annoyance, leader of the group. The person Kikyo's smile reminds her of.

It's Kumagawa, of course. He's really the reason why she's here, as there is no use arguing with him. For some reason, he makes her feel weird. And is most likely some sort of demonic creature posing as a human.

Suzune:I was not too far from the truth. And exactly on the truth at the first one.

Kikyo:Yeah. I hate you, bitch.

Suzune:I didn't even remember you.


Suzune:I knew about a incident, but I didn't really paid it any mind.

Kikyo:...You mean to tell me, that I lost all this time for nothing!?


Kikyo:Shut your mount, you brat!

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