Chapter 13:Class A in pain. The darkness revealed!

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Kayano has assured her place. The class A won't kill her. Well, they'd probably not go as far as killing her, but still.

Iihiko kicked back and awaited the screening to begin. Something tells him he's gonna enjoy this one.

All classes were paying attention, in fact. They wanted to know just how that exam ended up like that.

Suzune:Haaah, guess that is with class A.

Zenkichi:Hm? I don't quiet think so.

Suzune:What do you mean by that?

Zenkichi:I mean, I can guess you were manipulated by Kumagawa-senpai and not any of those impressive achievements are actually yours, but that doesn't mean it's the end. Sure, you might not be able to ascend as a class. But you said you can transfeer with enough points, right?

Suzune:Yes, that is right.

Zenkichi:Kumagawa-senpai probably has that amount. And if not, he'd be able to easily aquire it. Of course, he wouldn't transfeer the class. But I'm sure he'd pay for you, Ayanokoji-kun and other individuals he likes if you'd ask.

Suzune:...Why didn't I think of that before? I could've got over so much annoyance!

Kiyotaka:Hm, you didn't know?

Loki:Now, I'm dure you're all aware of how class D won, right? Well, here you are.

From all the occupants, Arisu qnd Ryuen were paying the most attention. They were really interesed in this specific screening.

Everything was well in the camp of class D. People were getting along and they even managed to bottle water. In other words, it was a total bore for our chaotic minus.

Fortunately, Suzune did decide to look at how the other classes were doing. Kumagawa and Kiyotaka decided to accompany her.

First to check was class B. Honami easily let them in. The inside was quiet nice, everyone worked hard for a good commonal living quarter.

Kumagawa:[Hm, this is quiet complex. Well, I guess your natural charisma would put people together to do something like this.]

Honami:Ehehe, you really think so?

Kiyotaka looked at Kumagawa. He had a felling his best friend wanted to say that's all that is going for her, buy refrained from it to keep up appearences.

Kiyotaka:It's really is amazing, Ichinose.

Honami:Thank you.

Kumagawa looked at her overall expression. Oh, poor girl. She's gonna have her heart broken one of these days.

Unfortunately for her he's a psychopath, so he feels no real symphaty for her. That, and he already has a good idea of who would be a good match for Kiyotaka.

Honami:...He never has mercy, does he?

Yuki:And is really damn accurate.

Zenkichi:You and Kumagawa-senpai would make a deadly combo.

Yuki:You're saying that like we're not doing ome already.

Suzune:You seem really close to Kumagawa-kun.

Yuki:Hm, well imagine yourself together with Kumagawa, than make yourself thousands times better and you get our relationship.

Suzune:...Excuse me?

Yuki:You're excused.

Kiyotaka:Be cautious, Horikita. Looks like this one is serious competition in the race.

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