Chapter 19:Is there a way to measure love? Apparently yes!

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People did remember the sport festival clearly. Most of them remembered Kumagawa by the pain they were dealt.

Ken:Man, I wish he'd learn to control that absurd strenght of his. I still fell the pain from being thrown that day.

Zenkichi:He does, in fact, control his strenght very well.


Zenkichi:I mean, if he didn't everyone that comes in physical contact with him would end up as a lump of meat. Same with Medaka-chan, Anshin'in-san, Hanten-san and Shishime-san. Guess you could apply that to Hinokage-senapai also, but on a smaller scale.

Ken:...That's scary, man.

Kazuomi:Tch, guess I dodged a bullet.

Ryuen:Kukuku, you should tell that to Albert.

Albert:Yes! Bro's very kind, I could've died that time.

Nazuna:Hehe, guess their just on another level.

Iihiko:Will that stop you from hugging him?

Nazuna:No way!

Iihiko:Gyehehe! You're funny, flower girl.

Loki:We shall proceede further. And I think that you, Ayanokoji, will be interesed in this one.


Thor:It is one of the alternatives.

Loki:And while the whole action's purpose is Kumagawa, it doesn't evolve around him. Rather, it evolves around that cheeky devil.


Loki:Now, let us begin!

People turned their heads, interesed to see another alternative. Ichika looked especially excited as the projection began.

A new year has soon began at ANHS. New first years have invaded the school, given a special exam to expell two monstrous senpais. Which they failed misserably.

But it wasn't all bad. The students were still enjoying their lives in the school counstructed as a town. One such student was prancing around Keyaki Mall.

She was a beautiful girl, a first year, with gorgeous red hair and captivating golden eyes. Her name was Amasawa Ichika.

She originaly came from the white room to expell Kiyotaka, but gave it up when she saw the rumors about him were true. She instead decided to experience the outside world as well. She even got to fall in love with the masterpiece's bestfriend!

Her walk through the mall came to a halt when she saw a pelicular stand. At that stand was a old man selling magic objects.

Ichika:Magic objects? Well, the senpais said something about a fortune teller. And comparing it to the things Smile-senpai does, it's not so farfeatched. Might as well check it out.

She walked to the stand stand. Seeing her, the old man waved his hand in greetings.

Old man:Hello, lass.

Ichika:Hai, hai! Amasawa Ichika, desu!

Old man:Hm, let me guess. It's something about love, isn't it?

Ichika:...You're a very observant old man.

Old:Hehe. Well, I was also young once, so I'm familiar with such things. What would you wish? Perhaps, a love potion.

Ichika:Ah, no thank you. It's not that I doubt your claims, it's rather that the person in question is just that special.

Old man:Ah, there are such individuals. They are very rare, but they are. I tried hypnosis once on a boy. Tall guy, wild blonde hair, red eyes, arrogant attitude and called himself a king. I ended up the one being controlled. Weird guy, Miyanoko-something.

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