Chapter 12:What a cute little puppet

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Zenkichi was looking over at Suzune. By this point, he fogured out she has been manipulated by Kumagawa through this so called exam.

Through, it's not so much of a surprise. If he can control class -13, than these guys are a piece of cake. Not to mention that Hanosode was also part of that class. Althrough...

Zenkichi:He really did something out of respect from Medaka-chan...

Looking around this class D, the zero concluded most of them are the type of people Kumagawa would kill on sight. Yet, he keept himself in check.

A girl had crawled herself to the front seats. Kayano had taken a place there, attracting the others's attention.

Suzune:Onodera-san, what are you doing here?

Kayano:Well, uh, let's say I did something for Kumagawa-kun on the island and I need protection.

Zenkichi:So you came to the people who you believe to be strong enough to protect you.

Onodera:Yeah, um...Hitoyoshi-kun, right? Do you think you can do it?

Zenkichi:Hm, I have a skill of my own and am quiet masterful in sabate. I also did fight abnormals quiet often, so I don't think they'd be too hard to deal with.


Kei:What's that?

Kiyotaka:It's a french martial art specialized on kicking.

Kei:Oh! You're so smart, Kiyotaka.

Kiyotaka:I suppose so. Anyway, if you want protection wouldn't Shishime be a far better option?

Kayano:He's scary!

Zenkichi:He's not so bad after you get to know him better...Or swats you away like a insect.

Kiyotaka:Hitoyoshi, is there any reason you're specialized in sabate?

Zenkichi:Hm? Ah, it's just that I can fight people without really fighting them.

Thor:Shall we start?

Loki:We shall.

Hearing the gods, the students stopped their chatter and turned to the screen. It started playing.

As Kumagawa predicted, the test was of survival in a unhabited island. Right now, the "class leader" was organizing things.

Yosuke:We need to find a place to camp first.

Haruki:But we can still swim and have barbeque, right? Sensei said so.

Yosuke:Yes, but that would reduce from our 300 S points.

Kei:Hey, what are we gonna do about toilets?

Kanji:They gave us a version of it, right?

Kei:Yeah, but...

Yosuke:Oh, here it says we can buy one with points.


The girls were happy for this situation. But a bespectable classmate quickly cut their happiness short. His name was Yukimura Keisei.

Kumagawa got a look at him. He's good in academics, but that's all really. He seems to look down on other class D students, without realizing how much he's lacking.

He also seems to be distrustfull of women. Most likely his mother left him at a young age, creating a complex.

A glass wearing black haired male of the Ayanokoji Group gulped. He was Yukimura Keisei.

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