Chapter 25:Talks in winter can be difficult things

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After much time Tsubasa had finally stopped her crying over the revival of the father of her dear friend and their moving to safety. She was thankful for this miracle and the first years were thankful for tge miracle of her finally stopping crying.

Well, almost all of them. Ichika did find it very entertaining.

Kiyotaka wounders if one day he'll be able to do something like that. Well, not the incestant crying, but showing strong emotions.

Ayanopapa didn't have much thoughts on it. It was simply a tactic to shaken Kiyotaka, so he had no more interes on them to begin with.

Loki:Listen well, midagardians. We'll skip through the events of winter.

Thor:And we shall skip the Tree Shuffle as well, as nothing we consider noteworthy happened.

Loki:Paper Shuffle.

Thor:...But papers are trees.

Loki:Brother, just...Not now.

Zenkichi:Winter, huh? Now that I think about it, Kumagawa-senpai does like snow.

Kiyotaka nods, remembering the time Kumagawa taught him how to make snow angels. It was an enlightening experience.

Ryuen had realized something when he was in elementary school. That is, he wasn't normal.

The reason for that was simple. Never once in his life did he feel fear.

In time of elementary school a snake got in their class. Unlike his classmates, Ryuen didn't tremble in fear.

He killed the snake without the littlest bit of hesitation. As he felt as spark inside of him he realized his affinity for violence.

Daichi:Woah! Really, Ryuen-san!?

Ryuen:Kukuku, of course

Ken:So he was alwais a sick son of a bitch...

Ryuen turned his head to Zenkichi. Knowing how well versed Kumagawa was in violence as well, he felt the need to ask.

Ryuen:Oi, blondie. Does Kumagawa have something to compare.

Zenkichi:Well, you see, kids can actually be checked if they're abnormal. Kumagawa-senpai had no desire for his parents to know so he bribed the doctor with recorded informations of thousands of unregistered abnormals. When the doctor refused, he threatened her with her son's life. In the end he walked away with his parents being none the wiser.


Zenkichi:He was four at the time, by the way.

Ryuen turned away and silently grumbled to himself. Arisu giggled at her fellow leader's disposition.

Arisu:My, my, Ryuen-kun. It seems Kumagawa-kun has you beat in the the category of child menance.

Ryuen:Tch! How about you?

Arisu:For your information, I was a well behaved child.

Arisu was more than delighted upon Ryuen's frustration. However, this was broken by Miyabi's own inquiring.

Miyabi:Wait, what kind of connections does his family habe to get his hands on all of that information?

Zenkichi:His parents are actually normal, jobs and all of that.

Miyabi:...Than how?

Zenkichi:To this day, I'm woundering the same thing.

Kei:Eh? Really? Why are you so curious?

Zenkichi:The doctor was my mother.

The room fell silent upon those words. No one asked anything further, it looked like the matter was resolved between them.

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