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"RUN RUN TILT JUMP!" Our teacher Ms. Kelsey yelled. I jumped as high as I could, stretching my legs out and pointing my toes. I saw Zayn doing the same beside me. We were working on our duet, being the only boys in the studio we automatically get one.

I was really excited for this duet because it was about being gay, coming out, or having a same sex relationship, which both of us had experience with. I'm gay and Zayn is bisexual. I have the biggest crush on him it's probably bad but I really don't care.

I mean how can you not be obsessed with him! He's practically perfect. His dark hair with one blonde streak in the front, his gorgeous hazel eyes, his adorable smile, and his perfect dancer body, made him pretty much irresistible to every guy and girl.

"Alright let's move on" Ms. Kelsey clapped. "Niall, roll to the ground out of the jump, and Zayn run over and lift him."

My breath hitched. We had never partnered before! I had partnered with girls, but I was always the lifter, not the lifted. Plus, this was Zayn fucking Malik.

Suddenly his arms were around my waist and I was being lifted into the air. I tucked my legs in as Zayn lifted me to the other side of him and set me down lightly, my socks slipping a little on the wood floor.

"Niall, lift your leg to arabesque and Zayn push his leg up." I felt my leg being lifted high behind me. I started to bend forward as my leg got higher.

"Alright and Niall somersault forward." I tucked my leg and rolled out of the extension. Kelsey smiled. "Alright boys I think that's enough choreo for today. Let's run it from the top then I'll let you go."

I took my position on the left side of the room on the ground, head between my knees. Zayn went "offstage" on the right.

Lay me down by Sam Smith started playing and I slowly looked up to the music and crawled backwards slowly. I heard Zayn enter with a front arial, but I concentrated on my part. Then he grabbed me by the shoulders and I kicked and thrashed as he dragged me across the stage. I stood up and we did our synchronized lyrical part and the lift.

"Alright boys you're good to go." She smiled. "Head over to large group rehearsal."

We both thanked her and headed to rehearsal with our other friends. I headed over to where my best friend Perrie was stretching on the barre.

"WE PARTNER IN OUR DUET!" I whisper/screamed.

"Calm down." She laughed. "This crush is getting really intense you know that right."

I nodded and looked over at him laughing with some of the other girls. I scowled at the thought of them flirting with him.

Our teacher clapped for us to start rehearsal and we got in our starting poses. As the upbeat jazz music starts, I run and leap across the front of the stage with Zayn as the girls do something in the back. I head back and sit on top of the large prop in the back of the room as the girls except Perrie "swoon" over me.

Perrie lucky duck that she is (and amazing dancer) gets to partner with Zayn in the front. At first I was super jealous, but now I get to partner with him in duet and as long as she doesn't make a move on my man, everything's cool.

We moved to the formation for our turn section, when I heard a loud yell and a thump from behind me. I turned, and saw my friend Ana lying on the ground clutching her ankle. She must've fallen!

I went to go help her, but Zayn was already there, quickly lifting her up and carrying her over to the couch.

"Someone get some ice!" He yelled, then turned to Ana, changing his tone of voice to soft and soothing. "Shhh... Babe what happened?"

"I just twisted my ankle." She sobbed. "I'll be alright."

Zayn pulled her into a hug and let her cry into his shoulder.

Our teacher let us out early and Zayn helped Ana out to her car. I frowned. I wish I could have his attention like that. I wish he would help me.

I pondered as I got into my car. How can I get Zayn's full attention? He's always helping anyone who's injured or sad, but as soon as they're ok, he stops. I want his attention for a long period of time so we can really get to know each other. Then kiss, date, fuck, and get married.

I could have a long term injury, but then I wouldn't be able to dance and I didn't want that. Then it hit me.

If I couldn't have a long term injury, maybe I could have long term sadness.

Depression. That would get his attention for sure.

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