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I heard Niall's hand tightly in my own as the announcer named off fourth place for overalls. So far, the top 10 has been all Platinums, which means we can't be positive that we placed, even though we got a platinum as well. (Sorry if this is confusing. Its a dancer thing.)

"And in third place..." A loud drumroll played through the speakers. "Ana, Perrie, and Grace with Jackpot!"

Our whole studio cheered loudly as the three girls accepted the trophy and took their place in the winners row, huge smiles on their faces.

I gripped Niall's hand tightly as the announcer said second place.

"Babe calm down." Niall laughed quietly. "If we don't place, it's fine."

"I know." I gave him a small smile. He leaned in and pecked my lips, just as everyone around us erupted into cheers. Niall and I looked around confused.

"You got first!" Our friend Jenna yelled. "Go!"

First place?

Niall and I jumped up and ran up to the announcer excitedly, hands still intertwined.

"So first place!" The announcer said, smiling at us and handing Niall the large trophy that reached his waist when sitting on the ground. He turned the microphone to us and we cheered loudly.

"So I assume you guys are dating in real life?" He asked, looking down at our intertwined hands. We nodded. "I could tell just watching you guys dance together. I personally was moved to tears by your performance, and I know I'm not the only one."

I wrapped my arms around Niall's waist and rested my head on his shoulder. The announcer smiled at us.

"Who choreographed this award winning number?" He asked, turning the mic to Niall.

"Miss Kelsey!" He said happily.

"And last thing, what studio do you two go to?" He asked us.

"DANCER'S POINTE STUDIO!" The we screamed into the mic. Our studio broke out in cheers behind us as we stepped into the winner's row to get our picture taken.

After the picture, we hugged all of our friends, took more pictures, and headed to the dressing room to get packed up and head to our hotel room for the weekend. Somewhere in between the stage and the dressing room, there was a boys bathroom, and we ended up in a heated makeout session in the bathroom.

Niall was pushed up against the wall, our lips moving together roughly and passionately. My hands roamed his chest as he clawed at my back.

"You did so good baby." I whispered against his hot lips. He pressed our lips together again and I nearly moaned.

"God I love you." He muttered against my mouth. His hands found their way to my hair and he tugged lightly at it as I ran my tongue along his lips. He opened his mouth and he moaned as I slipped my tongue into his mouth

My hands roamed down to squeeze his cute little bum and he gasped against my mouth. He reached for the top button of my shirt and I grabbed his hands quickly.

"Not here." I whispered. "Lets go back to the hotel baby."

He grabbed my hand and we packed up our stuff as quickly as possible. I had a hard time driving with Niall making love bites on my neck the entire way, but somehow I managed token my eyes open and my eyes on the road.

We quickly checked in and found our room. The minute we were inside, I pressed my gorgeous boyfriend up against the door.

I leaned down and started to suck a love bite on his collarbone.

It hurts [Ziall]Where stories live. Discover now