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I sat in my car, playing 1010 on my phone and waiting for Niall to come out of support group. I was a little worried about him being in there, because I basically hadn't left his side since he left the hospital. My mom was letting me stay at his house since his mom was never home.

But it was probably good that he was on his own for a little bit. I couldn't just suffocate him for the rest of his life. Next year, I'll be going to collage and Niall will have to stay here to finish his last year of high school.

I haven't told Niall this yet, but I got accepted to Juilliard for dance and I'm looking at apartments in New York. Of course, I'm looking at apartments big enough for two people, so that he can come stay with me and eventually come live with me.

I spotted Niall walking out of the building. He had a smile on his face, so I immediately smiled as well. But my smile fell as soon as I saw the other boy he was walking with. They were both laughing at something the older boy had said and I frowned. I was getting angry for no reason. Actually, I have a reason. Niall is mine!

I got out of the car and walked over to them, taking Niall's hand in my own and kissing his cheek. Niall looked surprised, then leaned in and pecked my lips.

"Who is this?" The boy asked me.

"I'm Zayn." I said, not meaning for it to come out as harsh as it did. "Niall's

"Zayn, this is Connor." Niall said, smiling at the older boy. I felt jealousy growing in the pit of my stomach.

"Well it was nice to meet you, but we have to go." I snapped.

"Ok." Connor said, handing Niall a slip of paper with a number written on it. I bit my cheek.

Niall smiled and gave Connor a hug. That was it. I started walking back to the car, dragging Niall behind me.

"See you next time!" Niall called as I pulled him away from Connor. He waved as the two of us got in the car.

"What the hell Z-" I cut him off by placing my mouth over his and roughly kissing him, pushing him back onto the seat and climbing on top of him.

He kissed back as soon as he got over the shock. I shoved my tongue into his mouth and he moaned.

I glanced away for a moment to see Connor rolling his eyes and walking away.  I grinned into the kiss, knowing I succeeded, then went back to kissing my boyfriend.

His arms wrapped tightly around my neck as I played with the hem of his t-shirt. I noticed the parking lot had emptied. With no intentions of doing anything, I started to pull off Niall's shirt.

He whimpered quietly, but I figured it was in pleasure. So I continued to pull off his shirt. Suddenly, he started screaming.

"Stop!" He yelled, his eyes still closed. "Stop, stop, Chance stop!"

He started to cry and I pulled away quickly. Oh my god. I was doing the same thing Chance had done to him. Even though I wasn't intending to have sex with Niall, it was probably still giving him flashbacks of that night.

"Baby I'm so sorry oh my god." I muttered, climbing off of him and trying to comfort him. But he just pushed me away and curled up in a ball.

"Take me home." He said quietly.

"Baby, I'm so sorry." I whispered to him.

"I said take me home." He yelled.

I tried apologizing the entire drive home, but he wouldn't talk to me. He just looked out the window, hugging his knees to his chest with tears rolling down his beautiful face.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, as I pulled into the driveway, trying one last time to apologize to the boy I love so much.

He just got out of the car and ran inside of his house. I dropped my head into my hands and tears filled my eyes.

What have I done?


But hey jealous Zayn :-) but that didn't get him anywhere good did it




(If you understand that I love you. Well I love you anyways but if you get that I really extra love you ;)

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