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I put my head up confidently as I walked through the hallways of my school. Today was our first dance competition... and I was wearing makeup.

When you perform on the stage, the bright lights wash out your face. So everyone wears makeup, even me and Zayn. But unfortunately, I don't have time after school to do it, so I have to come to school wearing makeup.

I tried not to look to nervous as I walked through the halls. Zayn told me to keep my head up and don't let anyone tell me that I have something wrong with me, but that's harder to do than to say. So far nobody has said anything, but everyone is staring and giving me weird looks. Thank god I get to leave early today.

"Hey faggot!" I heard a loud voice say. I groaned at the sound. He hasn't bothered me since Zayn beat him up, but apparently he was done being scared of Zayn.

"What's with the makeup?" He laughed, shoving me into a locker. "You transitioning?"

I stood straight up from where I was leaning against the locker. I remembered back to when I wouldn't let his words bother me, when I would throw back a witty remark or walk away. When did I stop being that person? And why? I'm done letting him walk all over me.

"Fuck off Chance." I said angrily. "You're not doing anyone any good."

He looked a bit surprised, but got over it pretty quickly. He punched me in the gut, then pushed me to the ground. I wouldn't let the tears come. Just like before.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" He mumbled, kicking me. He grabbed my hair and pulled his face up to meet his.

"I own you." He said angrily. I shut my eyes and tried to turn away. The flashbacks started.

I bet you'd like it if I shoved my dick up your ass.

I pulled away from his grasp and ran into the bathroom, quickly locking the door. I took a few deep breaths.

"Don't cry." I mumbled to myself. "It'll mess up your makeup."

I sunk to the floor and waited for the familiar feeling of self hatred and the feeling of needing my blade pressed to my wrist come over me, but neither came. I sat there for a few minutes and just waited.


Had I done it? Had I conquered the depression that had been slowly killing me?

I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. I smiled.

"I'm happy." I whispered to myself. I'm underweight, I have scars on my arms and legs that nobody should have on their body, the asshole who stole my virginity and bullied me all through high school just beat me up, but now, I'm happy.

I pulled out my phone, tears coming to my eyes. But they weren't sad tears.

"Zayn!" I said, sobbing with a huge smile on my face.

"Baby? Niall? What's the matter? I'm outside the school waiting... Where are you? Why are you crying?" He asked, sounding worried.

"Nothing's the matter." I laughed, leaning against the counter.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I'm happy." I whispered.


"Zayn for the first time in months, I'm smiling by myself. You're not here, telling me that I'm not ugly. I'm in my school, alone, telling myself that I'm not ugly." I laughed.

"Come outside." He said quietly. I hung up the phone and ran out the front doors of the school. I spotted him getting out of his car and a huge smile crossed his face when he saw me running towards him.

I jumped into his arms and he lifted me a few inches off the ground. Our lips collided for a long, passionate kiss.

"Did I hear you properly over the phone?" He asked quietly.

"I'm happy." I mumbled, opening my eyes. He set me down and kissed me again, happy tears coming to his eyes as well.

"You did it baby." He whispered, kissing my lips again.

"I did it for you." I mumbled against his lips.

"You did it for you Niall." He said quietly. "Were going to live a long happy life together ok?"

I nodded, the smile from the bathroom still on my face.

"We have to fix our makeup now don't we?" I said, wiping away his tear.

"Yeah we do." He laughed, burying his face in my shoulder. "I love you Niall."

"I love you too Zayn."


The drive to our competition was pretty much silent. The both of us were too excited to talk, and too nervous for the upcoming competition. We grabbed our costumes out of the car and made our way to the boys dressing room. I hung my costumes on the rack and started to get changed into our duet costume, a white t-shirt and black pants.

I turned around, just in time to see Zayn talking to another guy. I stopped myself from getting jealous. He's allowed to talk to other guys. I don't want to be that boyfriend.

"Hey sexy." I heard the guy say to Zayn. My eyebrows furrowed in anger. Ok, now I'm allowed to be jealous.

"I'm sorry, I'm in a relationship." I heard Zayn say to the guy. I concentrated on changing, trying not to let Zayn know I'm listening. I pulled my shirt over my head and I heard the guy scoff.

"That skinny little thing?" He said. "You could do so much better."

I bit my lip and felt tears come to my eyes. I may be over depression, but words still hurt.

"You have no idea what he's been through." I heard Zayn say angrily. "I love him, so fuck off."

I slipped my shirt over my head as Zayn walked over to me.

"Some people are so annoying." He huffed. Then he saw the single tear that had fallen down my cheek. "Baby I didn't know you'd heard."

"I'm fine." I mumbled as he pulled me into a hug.

"You sure." He whispered as he ran his fingers through my hair. I nodded, so he pulled away.

"Come on, we have to be onstage soon."


Sorry I haven't updated :/

The next chapter is gonna be good ;)


Also idk if the gif is working but Ezria is my otp that's what I imagine the parking lot kiss to look like.


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