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Niall and I walked over to the changing room. He complained a little about how sweaty he was and I giggled to myself. Niall was a really cute guy. I wish I wasn't so shy and I would ask him out, but lately I've been worried about him. He's been acting weird ever since I caught him improving on Friday. He's looked really upset about something and I've caught him crying a couple of times. I really hope he's alright.

I glanced over at him as he tugged his shirt over his head. Sometimes I watch him change, I'll admit. I swear I'm not creep- wait what is that?

I squinted and spotted that Niall's bracelets had fallen down to his elbows... And there were harsh red lines going across his wrists.

I gasped and he turned quickly, covering up with the shirt in his hands. There was fear in his eyes.

"Wh- wha- what's the mat-t-ter?" He stuttered.

I walked over to him and grabbed his arm lightly. He tried to pull away, but I moved the bracelets off of his horrible cuts.

I put a hand to my mouth as I started to tear up. I can't believe that Niall of all people would self harm! He's always seemed so happy.

"Oh my god." I whispered through tears.

"I know." He sobbed. "I'm a freak."

What? Is that really what he thought?

"No no no Niall." I said, pulling the crying boy into my arms and stroking his hair. "You're not a freak babe. Not at all. I'm just surprised and slightly horrified that you would do this to your beautiful body."

"I'm not beautiful." He whispered. "I'm a fat, ugly freak who can't dance."

"What?!" I exclaimed, tears filling my eyes. "Niall you're so beautiful, and you're not fat at all! Plus you're such an amazing dancer! Who the hell made you think those horrible things about yourself?"

"Everyone." He sobbed. "Everyone hates me."

"No no babe." I held him close to my chest and stroked his hair. "I don't hate you. The girls don't hate you. Your family loves you."

"No they don't." He cried. "All they do is compare me to my brother. If I get a bad grade 'oh my god Niall why don't you be more like Greg he got an A on that test when he was your age.' I'm so fucking stupid and I'm failing school."

"You're not stupid Niall." I tried to read ur him but he just cried harder.

"Yes I am! I'm stupid and I'm an ugly fat worthless faggot." He cried into my shoulder.

"There's nothing wrong with being gay babe." I whispered into his ear, pulling him closer to me.

"That's not what everyone at my school thinks." He sobbed. "I go to a private school where everyone is a homophobe and I'm constantly being beaten and made fun of. Especially by Chance."

Chance? Whoever the hell this kid was I wanted to kill him for hurting Niall.

"Who's Chance babe?" I asked soothingly.

"My ex. He asked me out on a dare and didn't tell me. I only found out it was a dare after walking in on him having sex with a girl." Niall shook as he spoke so I just pulled him closer and played with his hair.

I wanted to help him so bad, but I didn't know what to do. "Niall" I whispered. He looked up at me, his beautiful baby blue eyes filled with tears. "Please don't cut your skin." I leaned down and kissed his wrists lightly.

"It makes me feel better." He mumbled.

"Please babe. If you ever feel like hurting yourself, call me or text me." I whispered. "Just try to get better. I don't like seeing you like this."

He nodded, frowning. I could see how broken and sad he was. I want to be the one to fix him.

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