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About three drinks and a half dozen shots later, Harry and I were standing in a corner, making stupid drunken jokes and laughing our asses off. We had lost Louis right at the beginning to some slut named Brianna, and Liam wandered off about an hour ago and was now making out with his girlfriend Sophia in the corner.

"Harry you're drunk." I giggled, leaning my weight on him. He burst into laughter.

"I gotta-" he hiccuped, then continued with his sentence. "I gotta pee. Don't move from this spot."

I pointed at him, leaning on the table beside me. "Got it." I slurred. He started to walk away, and I called after him.

"Don't drown!" I yelled, then started laughing at my own stupid joke. I grabbed a cup of water, trying to sober myself a bit, then continued laughing.

"What's so funny faggot?" I heard a voice say from behind me. I felt myself immediately begin to sober up at the sound of his voice. Not now. I started to quickly walk away, but his strong hand grabbed my shoulder and shoved me into the wall.

"I said, what's so funny faggot." He whispered, his face way too close to mine. I could smell the alcohol in his breath. I shut my eyes and turned my face away, but he grabbed my chin and turned my head to face him.

"That's all you are." He whispered. "A stupid little fag."

He laughed, and I squeezed my eyes shut tighter. "I bet you'd like it if I shoved my dick up your ass." My eyes sprang open, widening at his comment. I began to shake my head.

"No no no." I started to say, but he covered my mouth and started to drag me towards the stairs. I tried to scream, but nobody could hear me behind his hand and over the sound of the music.


He brought us into a bedroom and locked the door, throwing me onto the bed. He quickly took off his pants and threw them aside.

"Stop Chance please." I whimpered, tears filling my eyes as he climbed on top of me and started to unbuckle my belt.

"Why should I?" He said, pinning my hands above my head. "Your words are worthless, just like you. You'll like this I'm sure."

I started to cry as he used my belt to bind my hands to the headboard.

"Look at the little baby crying." He laughed as he started to unzip my jeans. I struggled against him, but he was much stronger.

"Please stop. No. Please." I begged, tears falling from my eyes. He managed to unbutton my pants, pulling them down quickly along with my boxers. He looked shocked for a moment, then smirked.

"The poor little gay boy cuts himself." He laughed. I started to cry harder. "Like that'll stop me."

He pushed into me, no warning, no preparation, nothing. I screamed out in pain, tears rolling down my cheeks as he thrust into me over and over. I didn't even have the strength to cry out for help. I silently cried until he finished, slapping me across the face when he was done.

"You enjoyed that." He muttered. "You worthless piece of shit." He put his pants back on, then left the room leaving me half naked, strapped to the bed, crying my eyes out.


I promised Zayn I would get better

That's all that ran through my head as I stared at my bloody wrists.

But the voices were back. They wouldn't leave.


I sobbed and sliced my wrist again. It wasn't working. Not even cutting would take away the throbbing pain in my backside and worse, the emotional pain Chance left me with after he did what he did.

You enjoyed that

Zayn is never going to want me after what he did. Even if I didn't want it, even if I begged him to stop, he would be disgusted by me. The one source of positivity in my life was gone. What did I have left?

I'm hated by my family, hated by my classmates, soon to be hated by my boyfriend and my friends are probably all annoyed with me at this point. They would all be better off if I was gone. I'm just a bother to everyone.

I stood up, walked over to my phone and dialed Zayn's number.

Because that's what people do isn't it? They leave behind notes for their loved ones.

This call is my note.

Say goodbye to Niall James Horan.



Sorry this was short :/ I'm not gonna leave a long authors note on this because the next chapter will probably be up later tonight



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