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After spending the weekend with Zayn, going back to school was basically my personal hell. I dragged myself out of bed Monday morning and did my usual depressing morning routine.

"Did you have a fun time this weekend?" My mom asked as I grabbed a granola bar from the cupboard. I nodded, a small grin spreading across my face.

"Good." My mom smiled a sad smile. "I don't like seeing you sad Niall, so if you want to talk... I am your mother. You can talk to me."

"Thanks." I said quietly, then I walked out the door, dropping the granola bar in the trash on the way out. I didn't really feel like eating.

My first two classes were pretty boring, I zoned out as usual and I managed to avoid Chance during passing time. I managed to make it to lunch without being beat up.

"Hey Nialler!" Liam said as I sat down next to him at the table. "Are you coming to the party later? It's Michael's birthday and everyone's invited."

I shrugged. "I have dance." I said, trying to get out of going."

"It starts at 9 Niall. We know you end dance at 8." Harry laughed. "C'mon! You haven't really been yourself so we just wanna cheer you up. Please come?"

The three of them begged me for a few minutes until I gave in, leaving them cheering and clapping me on the back.

"It'll be fun, I promise." Louis said happily. I gave them a small smile as the bell rang and the four of us got up to go to our next class.

I thought I had managed to get through the whole day without getting beat up, but right after sixth hour, Chance cornered me in the hall and left me with a bloody nose and a few new bruises.

I drove to dance holding a tissue to my nose, trying to stop the bleeding. When I got there, Zayn and Perrie immediately started fussing over my bloody nose.

"I'm fine guys it'll stop in a minute." I muttered.

"Here lay down babe." Zayn said. I laid down, my head in his lap and Perrie sat down beside us.

"I swear to god I'm going to kill Chance one day." She said, an angry look on her face.

"I'll join you in doing that." Zayn said under his breath.

"Please don't kill anyone." I said, pinching my nose.

"Niall you need to do something about this!" Perrie exclaimed. "You're just letting yourself get beat up by him every day!"

"You think I want this?" I said, getting a bit frustrated. "You think I want to get beat up by the guy who broke my heart?"

"Babe that's not what she meant..." Zayn started.

"I don't fucking care what she meant! It sounded like she thinks I can't take care of myself, which I can by the way!" I yelled. I got up and angrily stormed into one of the dance rooms. I heard them calling for me to come back, but I didn't really want to. I locked the door, put on Amnesia by 5sos and began to improv.

I let the music take over my body and channeled all I had into my one true passion, dance. As the music ended and I let myself collapse to the floor, all of my anger and frustration were taken out. But, I still wasn't in the mood for class today, so I went out to my car and drove home to get ready for the party tonight. I was starting to look forward to it, just a little bit.

Thank god my mom wasn't home, or I would've been scolded for skipping dance. I ran up to my room and put on a long sleeved white shirt, black skinny jeans, a purple and white SnapBack, and black converse. I was just finishing up when I heard a honk from outside.

I looked outside my window, seeing my three best friends waving to me from Harry's car, and ran out. I jumped in the backseat.

"You look good Ni!" Louis said, punching me lightly on the shoulder. I laughed.

"You too Lou." I smiled at him. He was wearing a white t-shirt, rolled up jeans, and navy blue vans.

"Yeah yeah we all look great." Liam said sarcastically from the front seat. "Now let's go Hazza!"

We all laughed as Harry sped out of my driveway in the direction of the party.

It was quite a crazy sight when we arrived. There were tons kids with red cups standing around talking, lots of people dancing (and a lot of grinding as well), a few kids passed out in random places, and some making out couples. Of course, my friends immediately went to the kitchen, where the drinks were.

Harry handed me a red cup and I nervously took a sip. I hadn't had alcohol in a while, and I had only been to a couple parties like this with Chance. I almost choked on my drink, realizing that Chance was probably here somewhere. I quickly gulped down the drink, trying to avoid thinking about him. I shouldn't think about him. I'm here to have fun! I probably won't even see him tonight.

I refilled my cup and Louis grinned.

"Alright Nialler!" He laughed, filling up his cup too. "Let's get this party started!"


Something big is about to go down ;)

All so sorry about the wait my phone and computer got taken and I'm writing this on my family iPad :/ writing on an iPad is really hard for anyone wondering


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