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My face was buried in my pillow as I cried.

You liked that

Zayn isn't Chance. He would never do that to me. I can't believe I overreacted like that.

Why did I have to be so stupid?

My wrists itched as I cried. I knew I had a blade buried in the drawer beside my bed. The only one that Zayn didn't find and throw away.

Don't cut. Don't cut. You promised Zayn you wouldn't cut.

He probably hates you now anyways. You were being so dramatic. It wouldn't matter to him.

I pulled the blade from my drawer and pressed it to my wrist, drawing a bit of blood to the surface. I sighed in relief as I watched the blood drip down my wrist.

Then I saw my promise ring.

"I promise I'll conquer my depression and be with you for the rest of our lives. Every time you look at this ring, it can remind you that I'm alright."

I promised him. If he found out about this cut, he'd probably hate me. I broke our promise. Then I remembered his promise.

"I promise I'll love you forever. I'll never leave you and I won't let anyone hurt you. I hope this ring will remind you, when you're feeling sad, that I'm here for you. And I love you with everything in my being."

I threw the blade aside and grabbed my phone. I dialed his number and he answered right away.

"Niall I'm so sorry." He said quickly. "I don't know what I was thinking I-"

"Zayn." I said quietly. "I want to apologize too. I overreacted. I know you would never do that to me."

"Yeah, but I know that probably brought back flashbacks for you." He whispered. "I'm so sorry. I got jealous."

"I know that you're protective of me." I said, a small smile on my face. Just hearing his voice made me happier. But my happiness faded when I realized I would have to tell him about my cut.  "I'm really sorry. I broke our promise."

"What are you talking about?" He asked quietly.

"I cut." I whispered, tears filling my eyes. "But as soon as I saw my ring, I stopped. I'm really sorry Zayn."

"Baby, shh don't cry." He said through the phone. "I'm not too far away, do you want me to come back over?"

"Yeah." I said. "You leave for spring break tomorrow and I want to see you and end on a better note."

"Ok. I'm on my way." He said. "I love you."

"I love you too." Then I hung up the phone.

* * *

I heard him come in the door about 10 minutes later and walk up the stairs into my room. I stood up to meet him at the door, where he wrapped his arms around my waist and immediately pressed our lips together. I tangled my hands in his hair and stood on my toes so I could reach his lips.

He pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. "I love you so much baby."

"I love you so much more." I giggled.

"I bet you don't." He laughed, sweeping me off my feet so he was holding me bridal style. He laid us both down on my bed and grabbed the tv remote.

"We're going to have a Netflix date for my last night here for two weeks ok?" He asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulders after throwing my blanket over us.

I nodded and nuzzled my head into his chest.

He put on an episode of Sherlock, because that's one of the shows that we both love and set the remote aside, wrapping his other arm around my side, pulling me closer to him.

These are the moments with Zayn that I love the most. The ones that make me forget my depression and forget the reasons we got together in the first place. The ones where all I feel is love for him.

"You ok baby?" He asked. I nodded and snuggled my head into his chest.

"I'm just thinking about how much I love you." I said mockingly. He laughed, then leaned down and pecked me on the lips.

"I love you too dork." He said and I giggled.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." I whispered, running my hand across the light stubble on his chin.

"It's just two weeks baby." He said, running his fingers through my hair, then planting a light kiss onto the top of my head. "I'm sure it'll be pretty uneventful for the both of us. You're going to be fine, nothing is going to happen ok?" I nodded.



Little did Zayn know...

^SPOILER WHOOPS *zips lips*

Anyways, this chapter was a short terrible filler I'm sorry and I accidentally had it posted incomplete for like 4 days OMG that's so awkward I'm so sorry >_<

Please please please vote for this chapter :) if you see this hit the little star and I'll give you a cookie ;)


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