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It's been two days and Niall has shown no signs of waking up. Every second that he lays there lifeless I feel like I'm sinking further and further into quicksand.

"You should go home Zayn." The doctor said quietly. I hadn't left Niall's side since they let me in. The only other people who came to visit were his parents, but only during the day.

I grasped Niall's hand tighter and glanced at the doctor. "But what if he wakes up while I'm gone?" I asked quietly.

"We'll call you." The doctor promised. "Go home, get a good night sleep, take a shower, eat a proper meal. You can come back in the morning."

I nodded, leaning in and kissing Niall's cheek. "I'm going home for the night baby." I whispered. "Stay strong for me alright?" I kissed his cheek once again, then got up and walked out to my car.

I didn't really feel like going home, now that I was driving. I glanced over at my clock, and it was only around 7, so the studio is still open. I had missed dance for the past two days because I was in the hospital with Niall, so I really wanted to do what I was most passionate about.

I pulled up at the studio and went into one of the back rooms, plugged in my phone, and put on Not in that way by Sam Smith. I started crying almost instantly, because Niall and my duet is to a Sam Smith song. One of my favorite dances ever and I might never get to compete it.

I started to move to the music, in tears the entire time. I thought about Niall of course. I thought about everything we had done together, I thought about that amazing night at the cabin, I thought of what it would be like to lose him. It was probably the best and most emotional improv I'd ever done. I ended standing, facing the mirror and I collapsed into a ball afterwords, sobbing almost as hard as when I found him, laying lifeless on the bathroom floor. (If you want to see Zayn's improv its in the sidebar)

"Zayn?" I heard someone say. I looked up and saw Perrie shutting the door to the room and walking over to me. "Ms.Kelsey sent me over to see who was in here. Are you ok?"

"Don't tell her it's me." I begged.

"It's alright. I won't." She said quietly, putting her hand on my shoulder. "Where have you been? And where has Niall been."

"Niall..." I started crying harder.

"Zayn... What happened to Niall?" She asked nervously.

"He- he tried to kill himself." I whispered.

Her mouth fell open and her eyes filler with tears.

"Niall?" She muttered, a tear slipping down her cheek. "Did you know he was that depressed?"

I looked down, not wanted to meet her gaze. "I should've told his parents or gotten him help or something!" I sobbed. "This is all my fault."

"Don't blame it on yourself Zayn." She said quietly. "Is he ok?"

I shook my head. "They don't think he's gonna make it."

Perrie dropped her face into her hands, her body shaking with sobs. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into a hug. She silently cried into my shoulder.

"You can come see him tomorrow if you want." I said quietly. She nodded, wiping her tears. I gave her all the details on where he was staying and she went back to class, because Kelsey was probably confused at where she was. Just as she left, my phone started to ring. I picked up.

"Mr. Malik?" The person on the other end said.

"Yes?" I replied.

"We're just calling to give you some information on Niall Horan." They said. My heart stopped. There's only two reasons they would call me. He's either dead or-

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