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I jumped out of the taxi, paying the driver and grabbing my suitcases, then excitedly ran up to the door of Zayn's apartment building. I was about to pass out with excitement to see my boyfriend and to live with him here in New York! I had not only been accepted to Juilliard, but I was offered a full scholarship!

I hit the button for Zayn's apartment.

"Zayn!" I practically squealed into the speaker. "I'm here!"

He didn't say anything, but the door unlocked, so I went inside and up to Zayn's apartment. I knocked on the door, but nobody answered. That's strange. He texted me only ten minutes ago telling me he was home.

I tried the door handle and it was knocked, so I shrugged and let myself in. My spirits were pretty deflated at that point because I was really looking forward to seeing Zayn. I hadn't seen him since he came home for Christmas break. I switched on the lights and gasped.

There stood Zayn, my beautiful boyfriend, looking extra attractive. He had his hair styled up nice and, oh yeah, he was wearing a completely black suit.

"Zayn?" I asked quietly.

"Hi baby." He whispered back.

I immediately ran over to him and threw my arms around his neck, hugging him close to me. What? I hadn't seen my boyfriend for almost six months and you expect me to stay calm.

"I missed you." I mumbled into his neck.

"Missed you too baby." He said. He quickly pulled away from the hug and smoothed out his suit. "Ok. I need to do this before I piss myself."

I laughed. "What do you have to do? And why are you looking all fancy like that?"

He took my hands in his.

"Niall James Horan." He whispered. "Where do I even begin with you. Well, I've known you since I was a toddler, we danced in that little tap dance together. Remember?"

I laughed and nodded.

"Even back then, before I understood sexuality and all that, I thought you were cute. I always had this tiny crush, all through elementary school and middle school. Then my junior year rolled around and we got our first duet and my crush for you grew. You were the happiest person I knew, always smiling and jumping around. Little did I know that the following year, all of that would come crashing down."

What is he doing? He normally tries to avoid talking about my year of depression, because even though that's when we got together, it was a really dark time in my life obviously.

"And seeing you in that kind of pain hurt me more than you could ever imagine. All I wanted to do was help the broken boy who cut his arms. Little did I know that I would fall head over heels in love with you Niall."

He gave me a small, sad smile and let go of my hands, taking my right arm and rolling up my sleeve, revealing my scarred wrist. The left one hadn't scarred because I'm left handed, so all of the really bad cuts were made on my right wrist. About a month after competition last year, I had gotten a small tattoo over the scars that read love yourself. Just so anyone who sees, knows that I don't do that anymore.

Zayn leaned over and kissed the scars I had there.

"And I pulled you free. I helped you pull yourself out of that dark place and now, whenever I look at you, I see that happy little toddler who fell onstage in our first tap dance." He smiled at me, tears in his eyes. "And I'm so god damn in love with you it hurts Niall. And I know we're young, I'm nineteen and your eighteen, but we're only getting older baby and I just want to be able to officially call you mine so Niall James Horan."

He took a step back and got down on one knee, pulling out a small black velvet box. Oh my god. My hands instinctively covered my mouth and my eyes filled with tears.

"Will you become Niall James Malik?" He opened the box to reveal a silver band incrusted with small diamonds. "Will you marry me?"

"Oh my god, Zayn, YES!' I took a few steps closer to him and he stood up, leaned in, and our lips crashed together, for a kiss full of passion and love. The normal sparks flew and I smiled, realizing this was the first time I'd kissed him in almost three months and, of course, he'd just proposed.

We pulled away and he slipped the gorgeous ring onto my finger. I smiled, admiring it.

"It's beautiful." I whispered. "Oh my god, Zayn, I love it. I love you."

"I love you more baby." He whispered back, our noses and foreheads resting against each other.

I giggled quietly. "I'm almost nineteen Zayn." I smirked. "Are you ever going to stop calling me baby?"

"Nope." He laughed. "Because you're my baby. When we're old and we're sitting on our porch in rocking chairs watching our grandkids run around our front lawn, you'll still be my baby."

I smiled at that and just let myself be held by my fiancé. Zayn and I would have grandkids one day. Zayn and I would adopt kids one day. Zayn and I would get married one day. After all, proposing is the first step to two people starting a life together. But for now, it's just the two of us, in this tiny apartment, attempting to make a career out of our passion. And at the moment, I love it that way. I'm going to enjoy being young and my time with Zayn. Because after all...

We're only getting older.


A/N in the next chapter.

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