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The next day, I sat in the back of my math classroom with my headphones in. I blasted my music and tried to avoid thinking about what had come over me in the bathroom yesterday. It won't happen again, this is all just pretend.

My teacher threw my graded test onto my desk.


I stared at the test. I had never gotten an F in my entire life. I put my head in my hands as Harry walked over to my desk.

"How'd you do?" He asked, showing me his B+. I slid over the test.

"Not so hot." I muttered.

His mouth dropped open. "You've always been great at math Niall! And this one wasn't even that hard!"

I shrugged as I put the test in my backpack.

"Are you ok Niall?" He asked quietly.

"Um..." How do I respond to this? "Yeah I'm fine... Why?"

"I don't know." He mumbled. "You just seem off lately. You know if something's going on you can talk to me about it. Or Liam and Louis."

I nodded. "Thanks Harry, but there's nothing going on." I smiled and walked out of the classroom.


"What the hell is this?!" My mom yelled when I walked in the door. Here we go again.

"What are we talking about?" I asked.

"You got an F on your math test Niall!" She said. "You've never gotten an F in your entire life Niall! What is going on with you? Greg for sure has never gotten an-"

She was cut off by me knocking a bowl off the counter and bursting into tears.

"GREG THIS GREG THAT!" I screamed.

"Niall what the hell? Are you crazy-" she started, but I knocked over a plate, which shattered when it hit the floor.

"I have dance." I snapped. "I only came home to get my bag."

I grabbed my bag off the kitchen chair and stormed out of the house, leaving my mom standing open-mouthed in the kitchen.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I drove to dance, blurring my vision. I pulled over my car to avoid crashing and sat on the side of the road, sobbing. When did everything in my life suddenly go spiraling downwards?


I walked into dance a few minutes late, Perrie and Zayn both casting me worried glances.

"Sorry." I muttered. "A lot of traffic."

I got into our formation jazz and we rehearsed the dance for an hour before our break. Perrie pulled me off to the side.

"What is up with you?" She asked.

"What?" I said, trying to play innocent.

"Don't do that." She said sternly. "I know something is wrong and I'm not leaving until you tell me what it is." She put her hands on her hips and stared at me.

"Nothing is wrong Perrie!" I said, frustrated. I really didn't want to tell her something was wrong, when it was all just a big lie.


"Perrie! We have to go back to class." I exclaimed.

"We're not going until you tell me what is going on!" She said. I shook my head and she sighed, lowering her arms.

"Look Niall. I'm your best friend and I'm worried about you. Please tell me what's the matter. And don't tell me nothing because I can see right through you."

"I'm just having a lot of trouble with school right now Perrie." I muttered. "With Chance just being himself, and junior testing its just all hard."

She smiled. "See? That wasn't that hard." She opened her arms and pulled me into a hug. "If you ever want to talk about school, or Chance, or you want a girl to beat him up for you, just let me know."

I hugged her again. "Thanks Perrie." I mumbled into her shoulder.

"No problem Ni." She said. "Don't forget, you're my best friend and you can talk to me."

"I know." I smiled, and the two of us went back to class.


After class, Zayn and I went to the dressing room.

"How are you? After yesterday..." Zayn asked. Of course he was talking about when I called him. I shrugged.

"I didn't cut." I muttered. Zayn smiled and pulled up the bracelets on my wrists.

"See?" He said soothingly. "You're strong."

I suddenly broke into tears.

"Oh babe. I'm sorry." He whispered, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I failed my math test today and my mom got mad and I broke a plate in the kitchen and now she probably hates me-" I sobbed into his shoulder. This wasn't my fake depression, these were real problems.

"She's your mom Niall, she'll love you no matter what." He whispered soothingly.

"I'm going to fail school." I sobbed. "I got an F on my test today. I just can't do it."

"You can do it Niall, I know you're smart babe." He said. "Do you want me to help you?"

I looked up at him. He would tutor me?

"I don't want to waste your time or anything." I mumbled.

"For the last time Niall, you are not a waste of my time." He said, wiping away my tears with his thumb. "I love spending time with you, and if you need help I school, I would love to help you."

I smiled and hugged him again.

"Can I drive you home?" He asked.

"No I took my car, but thanks" I smiled at him. "For everything."


Crappy ending to the chapterrrrr


I'm gonna start doing authors notes on things btwwww


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