Chapter 35 - AsaKenHina Date 🤎💛🧡 [Valentine Day special]

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"Fine~" They all walk inside, holding Shoyo's hands, like he's a child. JK. They separate from Kenma, a small smile plastered on his face.

"What's got you in such a mood?" Yaku asks, Kenma doesn't answer and looks afar. They all know who he's looking at, not quite understanding his special smile today. Then, it hit them.

Kenma and Shoyo, are official. Forgetting Asahi.

The games were exhausting as per usual, the tension of the gym dying down. All the teams went over to the showers, feeling refreshed.

"Man, Johzenji was more fired up than last we played them!" Noya whined out, everyone agreeing in their own way. As they were walking over to the cafeteria, Shoyo quickly grabbed Asahi to the side to talk.

"Ah-" Shoyo shushed him, looking around to make sure nobody could hear them.

"What is it?" Shoyo looked him straight in the eyes, scaring Asahi, then finally speaking and averting his gaze.

"I wanted to ask you if you would agree to having a day out with me, you and Kozu-kun. Tomorrow maybe?" He stuttered out, Asahi couldn't say no to such a kind angel and agreed.

"Sure, if we aren't too tired from the games." He chuckled. Shoyo beams with excitement and about to go tell his other partner, dragging Asahi with him too. Shoyo looks around the cafeteria and spots him at a table away from his team, obviously not wanting to deal with their antics today, Shoyo asked if Asahi could get their food while he talked to Kenma. He agreed and walked off.

"Um, Kozu-kun?" He tapped his shoulder, gaining his attention. He pat the spot next to him, he accepted it and leaned on him, ignoring the looks of others.

"Me and Azu-kun had this idea to go out tomorrow." Kenma had a confused look, Shoyo giggling at him.

"We were wondering if you wanted to join us." He smiled, matching Kenma's energy. He calmly nodded a went back to his game, smiling.

"So, where will we meet up?" Shoyo thought for a bit until Asahi came over and sat down. He spoke through his eyes and Shoyo nodded, lifting his head off Kenma to grab his tray, making Kenma sad from the loss of heat.

"So we meet up by the front and then maybe we can roam around?" Asahi questioned while they ate. Kenma and Shoyo looked at eachother, nodding at Asahi. He saw tons of smililarities between their expressions, very few except when they're happy.

Day 2 of Training Camp

The next day being Thursday (a/n: I have no clue what day it is ┐('~',)┌), Shoyo and Asahi were waiting for Kenma to show.

"'Kay, I'm here." He said breaking up Shoyo and Asahi, he could tell he was still a bit jealous that he had to share him, in a subtle way. Shoyo on the other hand didn't mind it and held Kenma's hand, leading him down the sidewalk, practically leaving Asahi behind.

Asahi watched them speak to eachother, seeing how they both changed their attitudes and volume, Asahi found it heartwarming. When they arrived to their destination, a small local cafe nearby, they heard a bell ring above them. It wasn't too extravagant, few tables and subtle decor. They stood waiting for someone to help them, being led to a table (Shoyo inbetween the two) and given menus.

"Looks like there isn't much.." Kenma said sadly, dissapointed at the choices. Asahi didn't like to complain so he kept silent, Shoyo on the otherhand didn't mind the limited choices and had already made his decision.

"I've already chosen, I'll wait for you two babies." Shoyo giggled, they scoffed and chose, calling a waiter over.

"Heya! What do you three want today?" She said cheerily, starting to blush when seeing all of them.

"Oh my goodness, I'm going to faint from all these handsome faces!" She thought, trying not to embarass herself.

"I'd like a strawberry rhubarb tea and some soft fries please." Shoyo quietly asked, reddening the woman's face from the cuteness.

"Uh, pancakes and a fruit smoothie would be nice." Asahi smiled, in his hot glory.

"Mm..warm milk and macaroons." Kenma sighed, the woman close to bursting from his tired sexiness. She jotted all their requests, smiling wide and rushing to the back.

"Hehe, you're going to be extra sleepy if you drink that warm milk Kozu-kun~" They all laughed silently, trying not to draw attention to themselves.

"Although, it might be good for you and your sleep schedule." Shoyo smiled, leaning on Kenma's shoulder. Asahi felt so lonely throughout their couple minutes together, Shoyo noticed and rubbed his hand to let him know he is loved. Asahi smiled and held tightly to Shoyo's hand. They cuddled for a bit until the waitress came back with their food, calmer than earlier.

"Here you go, sirs! Hope you enjoy!" She stuttered, barely keeping her composure. Shoyo kept notice and held out an A-ok sign with his hand to reassure her, which didn't. She only blushed more and scurried off to the back, worrying Shoyo.

"She's fine, Sho. Don't be so sad." Kenma wrapped his arm around his waist to comfort him, they all ate their food in peace and when they were finished Kenma and Asahi insisted they paid but Shoyo was ahead of them and placed the money on the table.

"I made you guys come here, might aswell pay for it." He snickered, sad faces on Asahi and Kenma who wanted to give back to their love, about to leave when Shoyo remembered something.

"You two go on without me, I've got something to do!" They were confused but kept walking slowly, incase he needed something later and started to chat. Shoyo walked back into the café, searching for the waitress who served them. He decided man up and ask the people at the front.

"Excuse me?" The man on the other side looked at him confused.

"What is it that you need?" Shoyo chuckled nervously, sighing before speaking.

"Um, I would like to talk to the one who served me? She had emerald eyes, blonde hair and glowing white skin?" He described, hoping not to sound weird but it was enough for the man to know.

"Haruhi!" The woman came out confused, recognizing the kind face.

"Oh, uh! Hey there..." she stuttered out, mentally facepalming.

"Ano, I came back here to give you a little something!" He smiled, handing her 700¥ and waving goodbye. It was so sudden for her that she didn't realized the man beside her took the money for himself and continued working.


Back outside

"When is Sho coming back out..." Kenma grumbled, Asahi was also nervous for him, scratching his neck. Just then Shoyo came out the café smiling, they suspected something happened.

"How come you're so cheery, Sho?"

"Yeah, what happened, Shoyo?" They both said suspicious. Shoyo looked at them confused, wondering why they were asking in such a tone.

"I was just giving thanks to the woman who served us." Asahi and Kenma narrowed their eyes, and shrugged it off and they all walked back being met with their teammates asking where they were.

"Sorry, we forgot to tell you guys where we went!" Asahi apologized, calming down the others a bit and returned to their rooms. It being Thursday, they joined the teams random games for the night and cuddled eachother while sitting. Asahi being the chair, Kenma and Shoyo in his lap and Kenma laying his head on Shoyo's shoulder.

A/n: WASSUP EVERYONE TO THIS LATE VALENTINES DAY SPECIAL~~~ I've been busy with school work with projects being due and at the moment I'm procrastinating a work that's due tommorow morning. Hope you enjoyed this long trash page, have an amazing day and love yourself ♡

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