Chapter 32 - Truth OR Dare!?

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"Mever have I ever seen such a beauty like Hinata..." Akaashi said, everyone stopped. Shoyo was blushing and hid his face, he couldn't take it from all the great times with others he had and was having. Akaashi said that to focus on one dear thing.

"Shoyo." Kenma blurted out in the silence, Shoyo uncovered his red face and pouted.

"You guys didn't have to be so genuine like that..." he looked away, everyone looked at their hands.

Fingers lowered
Asahi: 7
Kageyama: 6
Noya: 6
Tsukishima: 5
Yamaguchi: 5
Daichi: 4
Kenma: 4
Narita: 4
Suga: 4
Tanaka: 4
Yamamoto: 4
Akaashi: 3
Bokuto: 3
Kuroo: 3
Shoyo: 3
Terushima: 3
Ennoshita: 2
Futakuchi: 2
Iwazumi: 2
Kinoshita: 2
Oikawa: 2
Aone: 1

Aone, the guy that no one noticed was there, had won. They all groaned but wanted to play a different game, but before they could decide Shoyo hugged Aone as a congratulations. Aone then brought him to his lap and cuddled him while the team spilled their ideas of what to play next.

They decided on playing Truth or Dare and they've got some good dares in mind. They went in alphabetical order which confused a certain bunch, you know who. (A/n: me~)

"So I start, well. Aone, Truth or Dare?" Aone left his wrapped arms around Shoyo's waist and his chin in his hair. He chose truth.

"Uhm, have you kissed a girl before?" Futakuchi laughed out loud and Aone sideglanced in confusion.

"Does my mom count?" The room erupted in laughter, Aone still in confusion but he didn't care because Shoyo was in his lap. Aone looked towards Asahi, asking truth or dare.

"Dare." Asahi was confident, he believed Aone wouldn't dare him anything bad. Instead, Aone dared him to prank one of the coaches. Everyone gasped, how unexpected! Asahi cried silently, Noya whispered ideas and he went to go do it, tears still rolling down his cheeks. Shoyo shook his head at his poor man, he cuddled deeper into Aone's lap, feeling more comforted.

Asahi came back with full on sobbing, he had just gotten lectured by Coach Ukai and was sent back to their room. Everyone snickered and comforted him, he looked towards Shoyo begging for a hug. Rolling his eyes, walked over being cramped into a bear hug, he pat the arms crushing him and was able to breathe once more.

"Alright, Daichi. Truth or dare?" Daichi thought about it and chose dare, expecting either something mild or extreme.

"I dare you to wear one of Noya's clothes." It was mild but it worried Noya, his clothes was smaller than Daichi's and he didn't pack much.

"Now hold on a minute!" Tanaka laughed aloud and ran to Noya's bag and brought out a white tee and shorts, Daichi sighed and grabbed them. Minutes later, he could barely breath in the clothes from how tight they were. Noya was depressed in the corner, for they were his only pair. Everyone bursted out laughing, they couldn't contain themselves from the sight. Ukai came in all of a sudden, seeing Daichi and they stood there for 5 minutes before he went back out. Daichi groaned and sat back down, asking Ennoshita truth or dare.

"Truth, I'm not risking coach seeing me in something like that" he snickered, he got a death glare but he kept his composure.

"Why come to Karasuno?" Ennoshita shrugged, not having a reason. Nobody was satisfied with the answer but they weren't going to get anymore than that. Next was Futakuchi and he chose dare.

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