CHAPTER 1: The Proposal

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I just lost my virginity to Billie-Ann Porter. The same girl I gave my first kiss to when I was 12years old and it—exceeded my expectations.

I don't know what came over me but seeing her at my birthday party earlier, it twisted something in me.

She looked so beautiful in her denim biker shorts that she wore with a cropped white t-shirt and white AF1's. Her long hair in a backbone braid that showed her gold studs as curly rouge strands fell around her face.

I had to wear sunglasses to conceal how much I was staring at her.

But then I saw her friend, Dash, at the lake house and he told me she wasn't coming to the party. The same thing twisted again—in a bad way this time.

On the way to get more beer, I jumped from the back of Levi's cousin truck and showed up at her house. I didn't have a plan when I knocked on her door but when I saw her, I just wanted to kiss her.

She was in a grey baggy shirt with a cloud on it and dark grey shorts that hugged her narrow thighs. Her hair was messy and her socks didn't match but she still looked gorgeous.

"Pizza guy says you owe him $3,25." I read the note taped to the large pizza box I find by the door.

"I'll be sure to pay for it," she takes the box from my hand and places it on the table by the stairs.

"Are you sure I can't convince you to come to the lake house party?" I'm stalling, I have no idea why I'm stalling but I don't want to leave.

"And be ignored by everyone there? No thanks." She pulls the sleeves of her sweater down. I know for a fact, she is only in her underwear under it.

"Okay, goodnight I guess." I walk out.

"Goodnight Salvatore," she is about to close the door but I put my foot in the middle. "What are you—" I connect my lips to hers and kiss her again.

I can never get enough.

"Enjoy your pizza." I smile against her lips before walking away.

I find Levi and his cousin waiting for me by the gas station not far from Porter's house. They don't question where I disappeared to till Levi spots something on my neck.

"Holy shit dude!" Levi pushes my head back and zooms in on my neck. "Did you get laid?"

"What are you talking about?" I shove him off me.

He pulls out his phone and takes a picture. He faces the screen at me, to show me the huge hickey that is apparently on the side my neck.

"Shit," where in the hell did that come from?

"Please, please tell me you left us to get laid because you were gone for more than an hour."

Levi is practically jumping up and down as I zoom in on the picture. I can't believe Billie-Ann gave me a hickey—I smile—this is turning out to be the greatest birthday ever.

"Stop Lee," I throw his phone at him. "It's none of your business."

I can't help the smile that grows on my face. It totally gives it away that I indeed got laid tonight and Levi is determined to not let me forget it.

The entire ride back is filled with him praising me and I spend the rest of night getting drunk and thinking of one person.

Billie-Ann Porter.

I am at her door again the next day. Drunk Dash was chatty at the party and let it slip that Porter would be home alone all weekend as her parents are at a convention.

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