CHAPTER 8: Friends?

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"My dear?" Ryder sits down and I place my legs over his lap.

"He knows I hate it so he's just teasing," I stretch out my cup. "Spiked drink?"

"Let me guess, Levi mixed it?" I nod in response, "your birthday punch ruined him." He takes a long sip but doesn't wince like we did.

"What happened to your lip?" I notice the cut.

"Temper," he sips before asking. "So what? You and Levi are friends now?" I can't read the tone in his voice but now that he is close, I notice how annoyed he looks.

"I have no idea." I answer his question about Levi. "I think he felt bad I was spending the 4th of July alone."

"We can all go to the bell tower—"

"I don't want your stupid friends to be my friends Ryder!" I frown. "And believe it or not, I don't mind being alone. I am pretty used to it at this point."

I say the last part under my breath.

"Okay don't get mad, I was just saying." He holds my legs in place when I try to remove them.

"Then don't say things you don't know." I made it clear I want no part in his world and he needs to accept it.

"Okay Porter, relax." His hand goes around my waist to pull me close, "come on. Don't be like that," he tugs me closer. "Come here Porter, come here."

Ryder wraps his arms around my shoulders once I am close enough, giving me a brief kiss on my cheek.

"You're ruining my buzz." I look away and he kisses my hair.

"Please stop pouting," he pokes my cheek but I keep my stance. "I hate it when you frown."

The he shouldn't say things that make me frown then.

"What are you doing?" I ask when he lifts me onto his lap making the marshmallows fall off my lap.

"I just want to kiss you, jeez Porter." He cups my face and connects our lips.

Instantly I turn into jelly and the fire in me burns out. I hate that he has this power over me now but I can't help it when he smiles so adorably.

"You taste like blue berry gin," he moves a curly strand off my face.

His cut threatens to rip when he smiles so I let him move me closer, putting my side against his chest and rubbing my ass over his pelvic area.

"And you taste like pie," I run my fingers through his hair to see his eyes clearly.

"Did you miss me this week?" He plants me over his groin and I feel his semi under my ass.

"Did you?" I cross my hands over his neck and look into his amazing eyes.

"I always miss you Porter, you're worse than heroine." I wait for his teasing smile but it doesn't come, he actually looks dead serious.


"Just kiss me," he runs his fingers down my thigh. "Please," I see a flash of something painful and needy in his eyes that instantly tugs at my heart.

"Just try and stop me," I smile against his lips and he uses his tongue to open my mouth.

We go on full on make out mode as his hand travels up my bare thigh when he turns me to face him. I'm in light blue denim shorts and a white baseball shirt with the American flag in front so he has easy access to my skin.

"We have to stop." I moan when he kisses my neck and sucks a little. "Levi will be back in any moment now," I run my thumb down his lip.

I wonder how he really got the cut.

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