CHAPTER 9: The Kiss of Death!

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"Levi likes you," Ryder slides off bed as I slip on a t-shirt. "He told me earlier today, asked me to put in a good word for him."

"Did he now?" I snicker but I turn around to find Ryder looking serious.

I don't miss how he conveniently waited till we were done messing around to tell me. At least now I know why he was a bit territorial and aggressive—even though I sort of liked it.

The gentle love making is great and all but the animalistic, raw and hungry kind is more my speed.

"Yeah, he almost had an entire malfunction describing his feelings for you."

"And what did you say to him?" I hand him his jeans and I tie my hair up to get it off my face.

I hope this isn't what he wanted to talk about.

"What do you think I said?" He zips up his pants and I glance at his exposed torso and defined abdomen.

"I don't know. Maybe don't like Billie-Ann?" I suggest.

Summer is coming to an end. The last thing I need, is to be involved in some drama between the two golden boys right before school starts.

"And when he asks why, what do I say?" He clicks his tongue, "he is my best friend Porter! I already feel like shit for keeping this from him," he gestures between us.

"Fine. I'll talk to him then." I jump into my sleeping shorts.

"And say what?" His eyes darken.

"None of your freaking business Ryder," I hiss.

"Why are you mad at me? You're the one that wanted no strings attached, that one that wanted this to end with summer."

"And you're the one letting your best friend get the wires crossed. I mean really," I ridicule. "How hard is it to move your best mate away from a girl."

"Harder than you think," he shrugs his t-shirt on.

But wait, something is not right here.

"Ryder?" I step towards him as he puts his shoes on. "What exactly did you say to Levi when he told you he liked me?"

"I told him to go for it." He mumbles under his breath and my eyes thin.

He did what?!

Ryder is preaching. I am sitting on the bed with my elbows on my knees as I watch him talk and talk like his father does on Sunday, expect this time it's like the TV is on mute because I don't hear a thing.

I wanted to slap him. To curse him out for making me a toy between him and his friend, a toy that he could just pass now that he was done with it. I wanted to cry.

I knew friends-with-benefits would get complicated but I didn't expect to be treated like a thing.

But it's fine, I don't care anymore.

"Please say something." I read that on his lips.

"Is that what you wanted to talk about?" I have no expression.

I am completely numb.

"Yes and no," he sits on the bed next to me. "Summer is ending in a week, I wanted to see if—"

"I changed my mind about rule number 5?" I finish off and he pushes his hands into the front pocket of his jeans to say, "yeah."

He is joking right?

"I haven't," I still want it to end when summer does especially now more than ever.

"Porter, I don't understand why you don't want to be friends and—"

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