CHAPTER 13: Summer Sex Contract?

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"Did we ever talk about boys?" I'm done reading my diary and there was no mention of a crush or boy except people I referred to as the golden boys.

"Nope and not from a lack of trying," Dash adds some shiny thing to his cheeks. We're getting ready in my dorm room to go watch the new Thor movie .

"Okay, let's talk shop. Do you have a crush on anyone other than Crease," I raise a brow.

Dash might think I don't notice the way he looks at the mayor's nephew, he drags me to watch him play every Friday and I always find him in the field during soccer practice 'studying.'

"I know he's not gay, he's just—"

"—absolutely gorgeous?" I fill in as he bites his lip, "its okay. Vent away, God definitely broke the mold when he made him."

Crease is half Japanese, so he has light brown dreamy eyes and a perfect smile. His time training has molded his body in the right places, he is too ripped for a 17year old.

And he's actually funny, nice and one of the most popular juniors at school but he is also dating some senior who got accepted into the Julliard dance program ergo she is very flexible.

He is also super loaded and drives an SUV truck to school, he always has the best new gadgets and apparently the best hook ups when you need something done.

He is Dash's dream man.

"He didn't break it, he used him to create the mold." Dash actually swoons, "I don't know why this crush feels different. Crease is not only out of my league but he's straight Bills #never going to happen."

"Maybe he's fluid, you said yourself that sometimes you find girls pretty." I decide to pair my black straight leg ankle grazer jeans with a matching cropped vest and a dark green blowing shirt.

I donated some of my old clothes to the church when aunt Marie took me shopping to get some new ones, my baby brother told her how I felt and she was more than glad to help.

"I said I find you pretty and sorry to say this but I'm not fucking you Bills," I have to laugh as I plug in the hair iron.

"Fine but I suggest getting laid, you haven't sex since you lost your v-card right?" I spray my hair with heat resistant.

"I promised my mom I'd wait till I fall in love or whatever, we're 15 so she thinks we should wait. Plus you're one to talk virgin Mary, this is the first time you've even talked about sex since you puked after seeing the birth video in sex ed."

"I did what?" I turn to face him as he laughs, "gross." I join in but it doesn't reach my eyes.

I don't know why it feels weird hearing him call me a virgin, it actually feels wrong but question is if I'm not a virgin anymore who did I give it to?

"Hey Porter," someone calls as I wait for Dash to use the bathroom.

I turn around to find Levi Ackerman smiling at me as his cousin Crease flirts with the girl working the snack bar.

"Hey, you're here to see Thor too?" I stand up and meet him halfway.

"What? No, Annabelle." He points at the door opposite to the one we're going to, "you look nice. You on a date?" His voice changes a bit when he asks the question.

"Yep, I'd ask you to join but I don't think I'll ever be into threesomes." My statement makes him smile.

"I'll note that for the future," he looks at me up and down.

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