CHAPTER 20: Did you know about the Salvatore's?

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It took 8years but I finally had my psychotic breakdown, for someone with one working arm I have no idea how Billie-Ann is holding me up let alone helping me walk.

I want to help, get up and fight but I can't.

I literally just want to die because for 8years I have been suffering in silence, the monster broke my spirit and broke me and now I am nothing.

"Ryder please, we're almost there" she begs as fall out of her hands. "Please, get up," she pulls on my arm to try to get me up but its just limp.

"Did you see it, the monster?" I struggle to speak as the trees spin above me.

"I saw it," she sniffles. "But we have to go okay? Get up," she pulls on my hands but falls down instead next to me.

We're in town square so we have the comfort of well-kept grass around us.

"Ryder!" She screams as the wind rattles the leaves above, "please I am so scared he'll come for you!" I don't need to look at her to know she's crying.

The monster did this, it scared an angel and made her cry.

"Please just get up," her voice breaks into sobs.

I might be sinking but I am not taking the best thing that has ever happened to me, down with me.

"Okay." I push my body up, I might have zero energy but I am not doing this to her, "Don't cry I'm up," I push my knees off the grass and she follows and drapes my arm over her shoulders.

"I hate it when you cry," I can barely keep my eyes open as we continue down the street.

"And I hate it when you're hurt," she sniffles making me smile.

I truly love this girl.

"Marie!" Billie-Ann's screams are the ones to make my eyes open, we're in front of her house. "Help, Marie!" I hear her cry before I fall to the ground as my eyes shut.

I wake up on a hospital bed with Levi sleeping on a chair next to my bed while Billie-Ann sleeps on the couch in the corner still in their uniforms.

I lift my hand to find a needle on the back of my hand, outside its dark so it must be night and—

"—hello Mr. Salvatore." A nurse walks in, "how are you feeling this morning?"

Morning? I look out again and realize the windows are tinted so I really can't tell what time of day it is.

"What time is it?" My throat is dry for some reason.

"Almost 6AM, you've been asleep for 2days Mr. Salvatore" my brows shoot up.

I lift my other hand to find it wrapped in a new cast, I also feel a tight bandage around my stomach.

"So, you have a lot of injuries." She points at the x-rays on the wall. "Fractured wrist, 2 broken ribs, dislocated shoulder, several concussions and—"

"—I get it, I'm jacked up." I cough and she hands me a glass of water.

"We have to take you to surgery, your broken ribs are puncturing some veins." She puts the blood pressure pump around my arm. I read her nametag and it says Ruth,

"But? I was—"

"—don't worry you'll be okay," Ruth pumps making the arm band expand. "We had to wake you up so you would talk to your friends before surgery."

"Oh," I look at my friends as they sleep.

"Miss Porter, Mr. Ackerman, its time." Ruth whispers as Levi's eyes flutter open but it takes a nudge to wake Billie-Ann up from her slumber.

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