CHAPTER 22: The Last Summer....

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(2 years later)

It's the last summer before I go off to college and I can't wait for it to be over.

After his father got arrested for aiding and not reporting a crime, Ryder and Magnolia moved to Seattle to live with their uncle and cousin where the court ordered they see a therapist.

We tried to stay in touch but as they months passed we lost touch as I started to remember my parents and my world crumbled from within. It was too much for me to bare so I also started seeing someone to help me cope.

The horrible story of Mrs Salvatore became one similar to the boogie man's, many saw what going along without help could do to someone so I saw it best to seek it before it was too late.

The town and school were never the same after the news of the Salvatores broke out, no one believed the horrible acts of his mother but some were not surprised as they were the perfect family.

And everyone knows that every perfect thing is really a façade.

Today is Dash and I's graduation, he is off to NYU while I'm going to UC Berkely on a swimming scholarship.

With Ryder gone, I put all my energy into training and my schoolwork to pass time so I could leave Bluebell for good.

"We made it bitch," Dash looks around as we sit on the rocking bench in afront of his house.

We stole a bottle of champagne and sneaked off since all the adults are drunk now, we're pre-gaming for a party we're attending with our peers later.

"You know you still haven't gotten me a gift," I remind as I got him a polaroid camera so he can send me post cards from New York.

Dash and I plan to stay in touch and be friends forever, he stood by me when everyone turned against me and I plan to return the favor.

"Your gift is actually on the way," I raise a brow as his face lights up. "Scratch that, its here." He points his champagne glass at the driveway.

I follow his gaze and nearly choke on my drink when I find Ryder standing there holding a bouquet of red roses, he's in black skinny jeans and a white button down that's folded to show the sleeve tattoo on his right arm.

He is taller, more chiseled and his curly hair is cut into a fade bowl cut on top of his head that shows his helix hoop that matches his lip ring and the earrings on his ears.

He looks absolutely gorgeous.

"I'm going to check if ma needs help," Dash walks away as I stay frozen on my seat.

"Hi Porter," Ryder smiles making the air evaporate around me.

"Hey," I finally stand as he climbs the porch stairs.

I'm in a wine lace pleated skater dress with thin straps and a deep sweetheart neckline and black strappy heels that make us the same height.

"I like your hair cut," he gestures at my curled golden-brown bob that has wispy bangs falling over my forehead.

I keep it short now because it's easier to manage for swimming.

"I like your lip ring," I watch him pull it into his teeth. "And your sleeve," my eyes drop. I can't believe he's here.

"Thanks, I got you these. Congratulations on UC Berkely," he hands me the red roses.

"Thank you but how did you—"

"—Levi and Dash," he rubs the back of his neck. "They didn't want me to miss out on your life so they kept me in the loop."

"What about you? Any plans for college?" I heard he was deciding between two really good universities, the boys didn't want me to miss out on anything either.

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